Author Topic: (Hatmod) Keroro Platoon  (Read 15133 times)

You see there's mods on here and there are fun mods

This is both I guess
this sounds poorly executed

this sounds poorly executed
Please don't bring me into this...

Sorry for off topic, but do you check your messages?

OT: This actually isn't bad! Keep up the good work!

I have always wanted to play as communist frog

you're getting there zach
all you need to do is polish your models and use higher quality textures

Please don't bring me into this...
have you been waiting two years to make this joke

where is doraemon hat mod wtf i am disapointed

you're getting there zach
all you need to do is polish your models and use higher quality textures

Are you
Kidding me.

I tried to make the model on this one as accurate as possible. Explain whats wrong instead of just saying "its terrible" without further explanation. Ive said this before.

he was polite and explained dude
you need to use higher resolution textures