Author Topic: Secret Admin, Secret Mute, and Fake Admin  (Read 6527 times)

Commands, all admin only:
/secretmute <target>
/unsecretmute <target>
/adminfake <target>
/unadminfake <target>
/secretadmin <target>
/unsecretadmin <target>

If a player is muted secretly, they will not be told they have been muted, nor will anyone but the person who muted them.
When they chat, their chat messages will be sent back to them, as had they processed. No one else will be able to see them.

When a player is fake admined, they will receive the green message saying they've been made manual admin, with the admin sound.
Their icon in their player menu will turn to an A to indicate admin. They will be able to access the admin menu, rather than be prompted for a password.
If they try to do certain commands (ban, unban, kick, clearallbricks) a message will be sent out to all admins indicating they did so.
They will receive no responce for these commands, espically not a "you need admin" message.
Other commands including those from other mods will work as normal. They will receive a "you need admin" message.

Secret admin is automatic, and will be preserved if a player leaves or if the server shuts down. You must be super admin to give someone secret admin. Secret admin is equilivlent in all ways to being admin, except others are not notified of one's presence as a secret admin. The secret admin will be notified however, whenever they join a server and get it automatically, or are given it by another admin using the command.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2013, 10:59:13 PM by DrenDran »

Now make fake admin display it to everyone

I believe this might be failed

Perfect for catching Badmins on your own sever :cookieMonster: Don't Hurt meh

This could be a good test.

Secret mute already exists.

Secret mute already exists.
Then it's not called "secret mute" or "silent mute"
Feel free to show me though.

Then it's not called "secret mute" or "silent mute"
Feel free to show me though.

i believe it's Hellban

Doesn't that defeat some of the purpose?
I guess I could make an option for it.

Doesn't that defeat some of the purpose?
I guess I could make an option for it.
user1: can i has admin pls pls psl pls
user1: i wnot abuse!!1
user2: no lol
user3: go away
user4: lmfao
user5: ban user1 now
*user1 has become admin (manual)
user1: thanks
user2-5: OMG WTF

ultimate troll

user1: can i has admin pls pls psl pls
user1: i wnot abuse!!1
user2: no lol
user3: go away
user4: lmfao
user5: ban user1 now
*user1 has become admin (manual)
user1: thanks
user2-5: OMG WTF

ultimate troll
ok ok

ok ok
hurry up!!!!

         messageclient(%target,'MsgAdminForce',"\c2" @ @ " has become admin (Manual)");


         messageall('MsgAdminForce',"\c2" @ @ " has become admin (Manual)");
