Author Topic: I want to start scripting  (Read 3356 times)

Why would I not beg for my account back? I said you were uber once. Yea, I lied about hacking you but how many times did you lie to me? Ahahaha. Good thing you're gone so I don't have to put up with your high level of maturity. It's veerrrry hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.

You were stupid enough to pay 4k to download something from me after I've messed up your KoL account, gone into your AIM, screwed with your forum account, and gotten you screwed over on AoT many times before.

I feel conflict my brothers. Calm down please, the forum has enough rivals as it is.

I feel conflict my brothers. Calm down please, the forum has enough rivals as it is.

Can anyone just answer my question about the black squares with the 3 letter words in them that are located in the .cs file?

^^ This is from the same person who pwned StoreClerk then Store gave him the exact same script back just edited the email and then got pwnt.

Code: [Select]
if(%entrepreneur in.isClever)
commandtoserver('Self Delete');

Lol, no. I stole all of Clerk's money, good items, and got rid of his cop, and then he begged me so damn much that I pitied him and gave him my account and quit Age of Time. The whole time I was on Clerk's account I had him by the balls. I made him announce that I was uber several times, and he begged me craploads of times to give his account back, until I did.

I find it funny how Clerk has called me a liar many times, and then he goes and tells a huge whopper himself. richard.
I find it funny how you think unfunny things are funny when really they are anti-funny.

I feel conflict my brothers. Calm down please, the forum has enough rivals as it is.

Can anyone just answer my question about the black squares with the 3 letter words in them that are located in the .cs file?

Heres a picture of those damn black blocks that are showing up

Compiled script, doesn't matter

You're opening a .gui.dso file. You want a .cs file.

The only reason i wanted to script was JUST to find out how to change the color of the font when i enter text into the message Hud... so what .cs file do i edit to change the color?

If I recall correctly, clients can't input different colors into the chat hud in AoT. It just turns to that same shade of blue.

Nah i seen people's text in white o.o

In Age of Time? Hmm, I'll have to look into that.

Rudyman and Darklight have been speaking in pink.

New Goal: Find out how they did that.