Author Topic: 1000 ways to get kicked out of walmart  (Read 28306 times)

500 one dollar hookers

Set off a giant coke and mento bomb (3 2 liters, 5 packs of mentos) and yell allahua akbar

122. stuff in the display toilet

123. have a fever really bad fever like me


steal your favorite album

then realise walmart still sells censored albums

forget you walmart

126. throw eggs at people

127. eat raw eggs whole

128. burn the place down to the ground

this is from simcity 4 if ur wondering

129. Become a dragon carrot and run around telling everyone you have autism

130. go into the most crowded part of the store and start transforming

131. Reenact Da Funk inside of the store.

133. walk in dressed as sans and run around screaming "you're gonna have a bad time"

135. Breaking way 134 and throwing it at everyone.