Author Topic: My Bias Serverlist  (Read 2359 times)

I took the time to edit a picture of the server list highlighting how I feel about each server and it's aspects.
It's a fun case study I felt was interesting enough to share.
And yes, it's made by my own bias. Don't take it seriously.

In case the key is confusing or you want more info on it:
Blue: I like that/this person
Yellow: I am Neutral about this/this person
Orange: Not a fan of that/that person
Red: I dislike that/that person
Green: Who? What?


(There were more servers on the list, but they were all dead/had nobody on them.)

i don't get why people treat 100+ ms latency servers like the plague

if i found a decent server (that isn't buttman's or tezuni's) that isn't above 150 ms, it would be a complete godsend


haha, neat

to save you some time maybe next time you can eliminate servers with 1 player, that is, if you do this again.

Its not that latency above 100 is a bad thing, most of the time you cant even notice. I just wanted to rate it.

Also, its not black people I dislike, it's the server premise using a racially sensitive word.

haha, neat

to save you some time maybe next time you can eliminate servers with 1 player, that is, if you do this again.

I may take another survey.

Also, its not black people I dislike, it's the server premise using a racially sensitive word.

i know, i just thought it was amusing to find that from zoey

Do you not know what the default gamemode "Blockheads ruin Xmas" is?

Oh hey my server is in dere :D but it's ded D:

my server is fantastic dont diss

hi gigabyteTroubadour here now you know

my server must've died while you pinged it because I think this was around the time i rehosted

Either way, don't diss my server either since it's done now. :K

Thanks for reminding me I still need to port forward this new router :)

that ping of 16779 should have been blue, that's just impressive

totally not judging everyone

proud to be in the blue :)

My server isn't really dead though, just locked for dev.

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY I'm a blue smiley face
When was this made? I could have been working on my space ship at the time lol