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Topics - Brickman

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5
« on: December 21, 2020, 11:31:59 PM »

in this latest edition of 111.1 THE OOZE radio we get a in depth forecast for the rest of the week.
co-written with myst of legendary blockland fame

Off Topic / criss angel mind freak: grand canyon death jump
« on: January 02, 2020, 09:10:25 PM »

this is insane i cannot believe this wtf

Creativity / 111.1 THE OOZE - Radio broadcasts from CASH CITY
« on: February 08, 2019, 03:54:09 PM »

YO what's happening radio listeners this is DJ bman here comin at ya live from 111.1 the OOZE based in CASH CITY.

CASH CITY is a poppin place with lots going on, and the OOZE is the station to get the down-low on it all. Tune in for sound-bytes from past broadcasts on Soundcloud to see what's happening in the city.

Your DJ's are:

DJ Bman

DJ Modman

(more to come as more collaborations are made)

This is where broadcasts from the infamous radio station will be uploaded. This will include news segments, sponsored advertisements, and DJ spotlights.


"EMERGENCY INSUES in the middle of DJ GIRL LUBE's set. have you seen this mysterious man??"

Feb. 08 2019: Cee-Lo-Green - forget YOU (radio edit) feat. DJ WIDELOAD
[dj spotlight]

"exclusive DJ WIDELOAD cee lo green BOOTLEG REMIX"


"BUY the new best console in X BOX history NOW!! preloaded game included"

Off Topic / post sad or heartwarming songs here
« on: August 30, 2018, 11:59:30 PM »
post some songs that moved you emotionally whether its because of the lyrics or because of the story behind why the song was written. please include the title of the artist and song in your post, nobody likes seeing just a bare link and no information before clicking. like this:
Sufjan Stevens - Casimir Pulaski Day

here's a couple more i'm listening to right now:
Sufjan Stevens - Drawn To The Blood
Kanye West - Hey mama
This one just warms my heart but it's also sad to think that kanye wrote it just 2 years before his mom died because it shows how much he loved her
Sufjan Stevens - Fourth of July
another sufjan stevens song. this song is a conversation between him and his dying mother.

General Discussion / Brickman's ANNUAL HALLOWEEN TOWN 2K16 SERVER
« on: September 10, 2016, 01:52:21 AM »
3rd year in a row and this still isn't finished!!!

I've been hosting this build for a couple years now and it never gets finished so lets see if it does this year before halloween lol. I prefer keeping my server mostly default as far as bricks and color sets, but I do install mods if it makes the game fun or if it fits the theme. Feel free to pop in whenever I'm hosting (mostly on the weekends) and build a haunted house or something in one of the empty spots.

**please realize that there's a chance that your build will be moved or deleted for various reasons so always save the bricks if you're proud of what you built**

Big thanks to everyone who's contributed so far!!!

here's some screenshots:

If you have any pictures of my server or if you have suggestions for mods you'd like to see on my server feel free to post em

Off Topic / Blockland dubtrack room
« on: November 27, 2015, 10:28:28 PM »
join the blockland room:

i've been working on and off on this island city for a while with some contributors such as Myst, Lalam, radioactive, flamecannon, and modman. I'll go into greater detail on the contributions when I make a thread dedicated just to the build, but this is just to kinda show off the ambient loops I've been working on I guess.

does anyone know of some way I can get it so that music bricks fade out more gracefully as you get further away instead of just cutting off when you get out of distance? Or even longer distance music bricks.

Games / games with a nice rainy atmosphere?
« on: May 17, 2015, 01:37:27 AM »
Does anyone know of some good games with a rainy atmosphere/changing weather? Kinda like minecraft when it rains.
I looked at some GTA V videos and that seems perfect, I was just wondering if there were some other games I could check out. Preferably open world but w/e

(GTA V weather example

Off Topic / happy birthday Camel
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:28:36 PM »
its camels birthday today. happy birthday camel!!

(not my image i found it on google)
feel free to buy him cigarettes and research because hes old enough now for that to be legal!
please leave all birthday gifts & wishes for our bactrian friend down below VVVV

Creativity / Brickman's Music Endeavors
« on: October 12, 2014, 12:28:55 AM »
hello guys, I had a topic like this before but then I got too inactive and I couldn't post in it any more because of that. Hopefully this will push me to post more frequently in my own topic, to keep it alive. Anyways here I'll be posting songs that I've created or had some part in making. Most of my music sort of revolves around Electroswing, Psychadelic Rock, Hip-hop, and regular synth stuff.

My Soundcloud

What do you use?

I use Ableton Live as my DAW of choice, where I arrange drums and samples, and just arrange all of my recordings and stuff.
For the majority of my synth parts I use a Korg Monotron Duo, probably the best synthesizer in the world. eat your heart out, bob moog (rip).
I also use a Novation Launchpad for playing sample parts and drums.
Here's some other stuff I use:

  • Korg Mini KaossPad 2
  • an insignificant brand electric guitar
  • some acoustic guitar
  • a mixer i bought for cheap from monoprice, wouldn't reccomend
  • Roland 20xl modeling amp
  • Korg Microkorg

My Songs!

Here I'll put all of the songs that I make. Newest songs will be at the bottom, older songs towards the top.


Song Title: Snow Fort
Genre: Synth, Calm, Soundscape
Link: Snow Fort
"I've been teaching myself how to make better, more interesting, drum beats :) I think I've improved a lot just by paying attention to the drums when I listen to music."


Song Title: Box of Bells
Genre: Rock, Funk
Link: Box of Bells


Song Title: Remember
Genre: Soundscape, Calm
Link: Remember


Song Title: Anti-Gravity
Genre: Electroswing, Hip-hop
Link: Anti-Gravity
"I sampled a couple of old records and plugged in my guitar and put this together and I love it"


Song Title: Hold Me
Genre: Down-Tempo, Hip-hop, Synth
Link: Hold Me


Song Title: Dear Atmosphere
Genre: post-rock, synth, instrumental, blep
Link: Dear Atmosphere
Description: "any phasing is 100% totally intentional ok"


Song Title: Standby
Genre: post-rock
Link: Standby


Song Title: Reverberate
Genre: trashsynth
Link: Reverberate


Song Title: Summer Will Soon Be Over
Genre: orchestral
Link: Summer Will Soon Be Over


Song Title: Float With Me new song
Genre: synthy music
Link: Float With Me

Go ahead and leave feedback! It means so much to me when I see someone enjoys the stuff that make, or has useful criticism to help me get better at this.

Gallery / Brickman's Bricktown DM (Save file included!)
« on: August 30, 2014, 10:58:03 PM »
~Brickman's Bricktown DM~
(or in other words; the most original build name ever by the guy with the most original username ever)

I built this ages ago and never posted it, but apparently it's been making its way around peoples servers.

It's made out of 100% default bricks, and only bricks. As in, no plates, slopes, rounds, or special bricks are used (if i remember correctly, that is).
It was basically built in mind to be a general purpose build that could be used for anything. It's just a small barebones city you can use.

This version of the save has player spawns and weapon spawns. It does use some add-on weapons, but I'm not sure what they are other than old original Snipe Rifle. But it doesn't matter, you can just change the spawns to your liking anyways.

If enough people want the non-DM version of the save I'll probably upload it.

Here's some low res pictures!

Night time mode!

Brickcount: 5870
Save file:
(Unzip and put both files in your saves folder)

Off Topic / brickman is 18 now
« on: July 01, 2014, 09:28:59 AM »
That's right folks, it's everybody's favorite holiday of the year, the day where you can send me birthday wishes & birthday bitches. so get that cake outta the oven & gimme girls who need some lovin' cause I'm eighteen and I'm a lovin machine.

Everybody must cough up a bday wish or else you might *mysteriously* lose your balance one day when you're at the top of your staircase while holding a box of kitchen knives and loaded guns. Or maybe you'll be cruising down some mountain to find out someone has cut your brake line and you've got a 1 way ticket to the ending of Thelma and Louise.

I'm looking to at least get 20 pages of replies.

Games / Katamari Damacy for the PS2 keeps freezing :(
« on: January 23, 2014, 01:47:45 AM »
Okay, so I'm not part of any other games forum where I can ask for help or anything so maybe one of you guys own this game and know what's going on.

I just got Katamari Damacy for the PS2 and it has zero scratches or anything on the disk, but it keeps freezing on level 2 when my katamari reaches 10cm. It also freezes when I try to go to the constellations area on the main menu.
I have a PS2 slim and it runs every other game flawlessly, but even after cleaning the lens and restarting the ps2 multiple times it still freezes in those parts of the game.

Perhaps it freezes on certain models of the PS2? The closest case I've found about this was this old thread on IGN , but in their case both machines were fat PS2s and the thread doesn't seem to have come to a conclusion.

Anyways, any help is welcome.

Creativity / Brickmans Funky Music - New Song! "Snow Fort"
« on: December 30, 2013, 04:18:10 AM »
My really cool music thread where I post like electroswing that I made and just other stuff. i love muuusiiic

Shooting Star [Jazz] [Hip-hop beat] [Electroswing?]

I got a launchpad S for christmas and have been learning ableton the past few days and then anti-block sent me like 4 samples from this song from fallout new vegas and then I played with them and then looked up the song and ripped more samples from it and made this song out of it so yeah no punctuation yeah woo

Shooting Star:

Here is the original song from Fallout New Vegas:

Atomic Jump [Electroswing]

Atomic Jump:

Songs I sampled:
Harry James: - Blue Skies
Harry James: - 2 o' Clock Jump (with buddy rich)
Harry James: - Back Beat Boogie

All sounds but the main drum beat are samples

Snow Fort [Calm] [Soundscape] [Downtempo?]

Snow Fort:

I used my Microkorg for all the sounds.

Gallery / "OBEY" Billboard
« on: March 01, 2013, 11:17:24 PM »
So I was in Lord Tony's server today, and he wanted people to build propaganda for him. So I built this billboard based off the movie "They Live", in which Roddy Piper puts on sunglasses and sees stuff like this when he looks at billboards:

You can even see one of them says "OBEY" in the lower, left-hand corner.

With my billboard I exploited the bug where, when you look at bricks with FX paint on them through a window brick, they become invisible.

Here's the fake advertisement (Pearl FX on all of it):

And here's what it looks like when viewed through a window:


For those of you who are confused, here's a video of it in action (Please excuse the terrible framerate, I'm on my laptop):

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