Author Topic: ""Sugar Appreciation Thread""  (Read 7020 times)

that's all

EDIT: this was actually a good ban, the guy was being a troll
« Last Edit: February 01, 2018, 04:07:23 PM by GreyWolf »

LOL! keep up the good work sugar :)

Damn just imagine Sugar doin' the water bottle spit thing

Lmaooooo, here’s some context to it: me and my irl friend (mojobrothers were playing on my server and then sugar joined, and mojo is new to the game so I told him sugar had autism and to be nice to her, and then mojo called sugar gay so sugar decided to get revenge I guess

mojo called sugar gay so sugar decided to get revenge I guess

well that explains the whole thing then

sugar put his insult as the reason for ban

Sugar with the golden shovel is an absolute nightmare.

i vote sugar for most savage person in the universe

What did Deveyer do to upset Sugar like that?