Author Topic: The Ways to troll/prank people thread!  (Read 14058 times)

Bump, i exceeded the limit, lol
Troll quotes of the thread!
Moan "oh baby sixth base! come on!" in the bathroom and scare the forget out of people
Draw stitches on your wrists
paint your nails with marker

Write forget you backwards on your hand with a washable marker, lick it and slap somebody
walk around sporting a bieber do
walk around sporting a Riddlerstache

Btw what is lemonparty

tell an asian joke (this one preferably) How do you blindfold an asian? DENTAL FLOSS LOOL
Stage a fight with your friend and stop when everybody is surrounding you, followed by a coolface

shove your finger in a hole, and complain that it's stuck
tell your friends you ate a gerbil
jam a paperclip into a lock and break it
tell your teacher that your dog ate your homework
be orgynized
Sing one of Justin Beiber's most hated song in the middle of a large crowd of Beiber haters.

Run around screaming "I HACKED NASA!!!!" I did this once. People stared at me like I was freaking crazy.

Slam every door you come to/ leave it wide open.

Poke people in the eye and say you wanted to see what happened.

Dump a ton of nasal spray boxes into someone's shopping cart.

Stare at a large security camera and use it like a mirror as you pick your nose.

Dump oil on the floors while no one's looking.

Walk into the opposite gender's bathroom like it's perfectly normal. After a few moments, run out screaming with toilet paper wrapped around you.

Take eggs from the produce section of a store and throw them over the aisle, seeing how many people you can hit.
Make camera noises when people are in awkward positions.

Walk backwards/sideways everywhere and if you bump into someone, blame it on them.

Say everything backwards.

Talk in opposites all day long.

Stay up all night and sleep all day.

Walk around with your shoelaces tied together and act like nothing's wrong.

Put "Kick Me" notes all over your back, all signed by yourself.

Act like you're driving a car everywhere and "honk" at everyone.

When you're about to move out of the way of someone any know they are too, move the same way they are (purposefully blocking them) and act like it's all an accident. When the other person gives up, start crying and say "I'm so sorry!!!"

When the intercom comes on at school during an important message (best done if you're new to a school) scream "NOT THE VOICES AGAIN!!!!!" and run screaming that over and over or run out of the room and into all of the rooms you can while the message is going on screaming "not the voices".

I know these would mostly annoy people XD
« Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 09:40:16 AM by Demitiri »

If you have never trolled anyone in real life, then you sire need not post.

I troll real life/skype/facebook/yourtopics

Sing one of Justin Beiber's most hated song in the middle of a large crowd of Beiber haters.

Run around screaming "I HACKED NASA!!!!" I did this once. People stared at me like I was freaking crazy.

Slam every door you come to/ leave it wide open.

Poke people in the eye and say you wanted to see what happened.

Dump a ton of nasal spray boxes into someone's shopping cart.

Stare at a large security camera and use it like a mirror as you pick your nose.

Dump oil on the floors while no one's looking.

Walk into the opposite gender's bathroom like it's perfectly normal. After a few moments, run out screaming with toilet paper wrapped around you.

Take eggs from the produce section of a store and throw them over the aisle, seeing how many people you can hit.
Make camera noises when people are in awkward positions.

Walk backwards/sideways everywhere and if you bump into someone, blame it on them.

Say everything backwards.

Talk in opposites all day long.

Stay up all night and sleep all day.

Walk around with your shoelaces tied together and act like nothing's wrong.

Put "Kick Me" notes all over your back, all signed by yourself.

Act like you're driving a car everywhere and "honk" at everyone.

When you're about to move out of the way of someone any know they are too, move the same way they are (purposefully blocking them) and act like it's all an accident. When the other person gives up, start crying and say "I'm so sorry!!!"

When the intercom comes on at school during an important message (best done if you're new to a school) scream "NOT THE VOICES AGAIN!!!!!" and run screaming that over and over or run out of the room and into all of the rooms you can while the message is going on screaming "not the voices".

I know these would mostly annoy people XD
« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 09:30:24 PM by carolcat »

Say, now thats just what you think. After everything someone says.

masturbate in school making sure that somebody is in the stall next to you. make sure its loud.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 06:22:17 PM by awsomeness7574 »

Blockland - Just mention anything to do with Roblox being anything superior.
Minecraft - Say it would've been a good game if it didn't have a stuffty 16-bit design, or just make a screamer video and have misleading information so they'd fall for it.
Youtube "Fake and gay" on every video.
Theamazingatheist's channel Just link them to the Problem of Induction, and facebook religion status will revert to "Agnostic" in a year.

Take a stuff, don't flush it.

When walking upstairs in school, stop. I blocked abut 17 until a grade 9 pushed me down the stairs. Ololololol.

more like a way to get some pissed off driver behind you to bump your car with his bumper
Then you go home, smash your bumper up with a sledgehammer. Afterwords you sue the driver and make a easy 1,000 dollars.