Author Topic: [Blender] Fix ugly triangulation [Edge Split & Smooth Shading]  (Read 8160 times)

I see a lot of new modelers out there and y'all are making some cool cool stuff. But you guys need to pick up some knowledge on edge splitting.

Heres your model, all ready to go. Or is it?

We got some bad triangulation here, if you don't see it i'll show you

There are two ways you can get rid of this

1. Edge Split Modifier
- easy
2. Manual Edge Splitting
- not as easy or practical,
but for some reason i just
love doing it this way so
i'm gonna share it

I will cover both ways below

1. Edge Split Modifier (Easy)

1. Smooth shade your entire model

2. Use the edge split modifier.

3. Make Adjustments

It works, but this will automatically smooth shade any angles under a certain degree (Default is 9.3 degrees)


Using 'Edge Sharp' will let you manually re-flatten certain angles connecting shapes.

2. Manual Split and Smooth (Not as easy, less practical, but my personal choice)

First, we should learn how smooth shading works. If two faces at different angles are smooth shaded, their flat shaded colors combine into a gradient

So now how do I do it?

Select ONE set of faces you need to be smooth shaded

Press Y to separate (If you're in vertex mode, you'll notice the lines which fade out into the other edges disapear)

Smooth shade!

Repeat process for every shape you need to do

I hope this helps, and i think EVERYONE should utilize good smooth shading in their models. thanks.

Ignore the above post; use sketchup

Nice guide!

I too prefer manually edge splitting my models. I think that the modifier isn't always the most efficient method, and results in extra vertices that are unneeded (unless the modifier functions more nicely than I think it does)

Nice guide!

I too prefer manually edge splitting my models. I think that the modifier isn't always the most efficient method, and results in extra vertices that are unneeded (unless the modifier functions more nicely than I think it does)
Edge sharpening helps with that, I explained it at the end of that section of the tutorial

Edge sharpening helps with that, I explained it at the end of that section of the tutorial

True yeah. Just seems like extra work to me though in most cases that I've needed smooth shading. I'd rather just separate and smooth shade the bits I need than have to go back and sharpen the bits I need sharp.

I don't let ones and zeroes decide where my models are smooth and sharp, i prefer to do the edge splitting and removing doubles myself

this is an excellent guide thank you blessed trogtor

if you dont manually edge split then smooth your models you are a bitch

Ignore the above post; use sketchup

sketchup is doing things differently because its using the 7 tris for 1 rectangle method

and don't forget the 600 hidden faces that are on the inside the model and you never see

holy stuff i'm editing this model down so that it isn't 5000000 faces and i keep having a stroke whenever i see a 6 sided cylinder using 30 tris to represent something that only needs 4 and whenever i see the autism rectangles i want to shoot myself
« Last Edit: November 25, 2017, 01:22:40 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »