Author Topic: I think celau has a mental disability  (Read 3564 times)

Idk man, revenge feels good tho.
its pointless cause these people are totally irrelevant in your life and you 100% have better things to do

This is how children a child would handle the situation, revenge isn't justice dude

oh no they made a drama topic lol celau literally murdered

was on board with you for the first bit but honestly if celau gave half a stuff about his “e-rep” he wouldn’t stuffpost senseless garbage devoid of content
hate to say it but threads like this only prove his point lol
Revenge over the internet isn't proving his point it's only lowering himself to celau's level if not even further below it. Your thread was all we needed to get the point across that he's a dunce, we don't need multiple threads to trash him when you can state your input on the same topic in one thread. Making more threads honestly just makes you look desperate for attention by carrying on this topic, if anything just bump the old thread made already this is just pointless.

It's basically how dumb I was too try to threaten Brick Braydon on making a thread about him, it won't even do anything to him only me and then I'll start to get hated on which will probably not even harm me because that's for some reason what I wanted.

oh no they made a drama topic lol celau literally murdered
So you're saying making multiple drama threads that are basically just flaming is a good form of justice?

I think that was sarcasm backing your point.

So you're saying making multiple drama threads that are basically just flaming is a good form of justice?

You take this forum way too seriously

I think that was sarcasm backing your point.
Now that I look back you're probably right

jackhammer is cones latest alias