Author Topic: RUSH0814 and Nobots Epic Dubstep Concert!  (Read 2259 times)

   Hey everybody! I am hosting a dubstep concert this summer! I need another DJ aswell, as I cant click the buttons for the lights as fast as I would like.

Playlist (So far, feel free to suggest songs):

Fall of Icarus - Rampage
Skrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites
Skrillex - Scream and Shout
Skrillex - Reptile
Skrillex - Hey lovey Lady
Super Mario Dubstep
Vaski - Mental Breakdown
Mt Eden Dubstep - Escape
Chrispy - Predator
Blue Foundation - Eyes on Fire (Zeds Dead Remix)
Skifonix - People say
1uP - Thundergun
Ephixa - Ideekay

*NOTE Songs may not be played in this order



To hear the music you must go to

DJ Application:

In-Game Name:
Is your computer fast? (Don't Lie, it needs to be)
Can you click different buttons quickly?
How often can you be on?
« Last Edit: June 25, 2012, 09:05:22 PM by RUSH0814 »

hurry hurry, before its too late. im not hosting all night

I would love to see a DnB concert.
because DnB > Dubstep.

the stage is ugly as stuff and clicking buttons isnt anything special

the stage is ugly as stuff and clicking buttons isnt anything special
why thank you

stage is kinda bland.
Also, throw down some tiles or something.
Each one is evented to change a diff color every now and then.
Like large tiles too because it'll be a lot of events.
Just dup 1 tile with the event in it.
And the stage should be more than one color too.
Also, throw in a bar, dancefloor, something to fill int he space.
Looks pretty empty without it.

I would love to see a DnB concert.
because DnB > Dubstep.

Aw hel ya mang

I would love to see a DnB concert.
because DnB > Dubstep.
Drumstep is king, bro.

4/10 of the songs are Skrillex. Replace some of them with other artists, variety is good.

4/10 of the songs are Skrillex. Replace some of them with other artists, variety is good.
haha forget off, that is variety, that means 60% of the music are different artists

haha forget off, that is variety, that means 60% of the music are different artists
that was really un-called for, but............

nice stage, it has some real swag into it

that was really un-called for, but............

nice stage, it has some real swag into it
sorry, if you add me on rtb  ill tell you why i said that, but no one would believe me on the forums..

sorry, if you add me on rtb  ill tell you why i said that, but no one would believe me on the forums..
ha ha, nice try