Author Topic: Plants Vs. Zomblocks  (Read 914 times)

Do you like this game? Do you like PvZ? Well here they are together, in Plants Vs. Zomblocks!

To be a Beta tester, fill in the following:

Blockland Name:
Why you want to test this:
Do you know what Plants vs Zombies is:

Put suggestions please, (And also no hate comments)

And have a wonderful day!

Do you like this game? Do you like PvZ? Well here they are together, in Plants Vs. Zomblocks!

To be a Beta tester, fill in the following:

Blockland Name:
Why you want to test this:
Do you know what Plants vs Zombies is:

Put suggestions please, (And also no hate comments)

And have a wonderful day!

Blockland Name: Redconer
BL_ID: 33688
Why you want to test this: because i love you
Do you know what Plants vs Zombies is: maybe

Blockland Name:Bibbity Bawb
Why I want to test:Because I just got the game on steam and it is AWESOME
Do you know what PvZ is?:Yes it's a tower-defense like game but instead of guns or dart towers you have plants,multiple zombies will try eat your brains if you don't place plants :D

Blockland Name: Redconer
BL_ID: 33688
Why you want to test this: because i love you
Do you know what Plants vs Zombies is: maybe
"because i love you" wait what?

Blockland Name:Bibbity Bawb
Why I want to test:Because I just got the game on steam and it is AWESOME
Do you know what PvZ is?:Yes it's a tower-defense like game but instead of guns or dart towers you have plants,multiple zombies will try eat your brains if you don't place plants :D

Ugh.. I know this is gonna fail.. :c