Author Topic: League of Legends - "The Enemies Inhibitor is respawning soon!"  (Read 153543 times)

No, we were just talking about alistar  :cookieMonster:

4 man russian AT starting that couldn't stop switching champs... this is gonna be painful.

3/2/10 soraka, we surrendered because it was 4v5 and my allies never stopped diving in and taking loads of damage forever, which is not great with a soraka (you're supposed to stagger the damage if you can), plus our rammus was chicken (he never stayed in front of me, soraka, unless we leapfrogged so far back that I was behind the turret. Then he finally started to go behind me, and reconsidered).
« Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 01:53:06 PM by Mr. Wallet »

Bought shaco today. Tried ad Shaco jungle. Didn't have a good game at all. Then I went ap lane shaco with my friend on Garen with me. I think it was the most fun i've ever had on league of legends. I went 8-0 in laning phase, purely because of how much ap damage two-shiv can do and creating death bushes with my jack-in-a-boxes. Late game I camped busy pipelines where enemy champs have to go through and took down people wandering through alone.

Died a few times when i tried to help in team fights. But i ended with 18 - 3 - 10.

I think I laughed harder than i have in awhile as well just at the pure comedy of someone dying as they walked into a bush with 3 boxes in it whilst i was still at base and got me a free kill. :D
« Last Edit: December 10, 2011, 11:09:45 AM by Acid »

Why the forget did they run into your boxes that many times?

Why the forget did they run into your boxes that many times?

They're invisible, takes a bit of prediction but I also got my friend to push lanes etc. and I put boxes on the most likely path from base to the lane, usually in the jungle.

They're invisible, takes a bit of prediction but I also got my friend to push lanes etc. and I put boxes on the most likely path from base to the lane, usually in the jungle.
I've played against AP Shacos. I know they're invisible. But seriously. 18 kills. Is it really worth running through the jungle because 'you need to' when you know there's going to be boxes in it?

There's also items that add magic resistance. (quicksilver sash, banshee's veil, etc) And an items that makes so you can see things that are invisible. (oracle's elixir, vision ward)

I don't think I've ever died to boxes anyways. Not even at level 1. I was playing Riven and ran into a group of boxes. I rushed through it with Q and killed Shaco.

Yeah it is also partly player stupidity that causes deaths but that only adds to the fun of playing ap shaco.

i ran into a deathtrap bush of shaco once at level one.

i ended up 12/2 because that shaco was useless

Yep I wouldn't play ap shaco in a ranked/competitive game.

Oh no Leona rushed Shurelya's Reverie. We're forgeted!

That Leona is nooot doing it right.

Yeah, everyone knows you build phil and kindle and keep them split to farm the phil stone's gold over time.  :cookieMonster:

...No seriously my leona build's first item is phil stone. And my boots are lucidity. Leona is a burst tank (as in, she tanks/CCs a lot, all at once), so cooldown and regeneration are really nice on her for reducing downtime and recovering during downtime, respectively. Alternately you can try to smash the enemy's team on the first go-around, and put all your extra stats into AP instead, but it's riskier and requires a high-burst team. Maybe better to save that one for a well-coordinated AT.

As far as shaco, Riot people expressed in interviews way back when that they were a little furstrated with stealthers because they are so ridonkulous at low levels, and then playing smart shuts them down so completely at higher levels. Even shaco only has an invisible trap and a brief invisibility, and they've only avoided long stealths more and more. Compare the stealths of akali or wukong to those of evelynn and twitch. They've just straight-up avoided hard stealth because it has such balance issues according to player skill. If you make it viable in tournaments, it's too face-stompingly good with lowbies. If you make it fun and fair with lowbies, it can't do anything with pros. This is why twitch and evelynn have seen a lot more redesign than most other classic champs; they've been dialing in mechanics that make the characters more consistent. But it's still not perfect, as Acid's experience has demonstrated.

And if you've never died to boxes, you haven't played enough. From time to time I still get caught by a clever 3-box at level 1 and drop to no more than 20% hp. It relies 100% on the player having a summoner set-up completely tuned for that level 1 boxing, even a lot of IP's worth of runes. I don't think it's worth it, but those things are damn powerful.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 03:40:42 AM by Mr. Wallet »

AP Shaco = Professional kill stealer
AD Shaco = Professional assassin
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 06:42:42 AM by Molasses »

AP shaco might be fun to play but is so useless late game and teamfights. also smart people know where shaco puts his traps and avoids em ;:s

Jungle shaco is so loving godmode, permabanned from euwest ranked really.

I really wish people would drop the whole killstealing thing. Many champions, especially stealthers, are very soft but designed with high damage bursts that can't easily be dodged or anticipated. These would be OP if they could kill anyone without warning, so they only do a healthy fraction of a champion's HP. Additionally, these moves tend to be good at catching runners. If you use them up-front, the only person they're going to be effective on is someone being swarmed who is likely to die anyway, and then you've wasted your kill move, because they'll just go back. If you wait until someone is low, you can clean up a secure kill.

The other day someone told me that RIOT wouldn't design a champion who relied entirely on the principle of kill-stealing (Twitch). Yes they would. (For anyone who doesn't know, Twitch is soft with huge damage burst, so the best way to play him is to do nothing and stealth until your combo will kill the enemy - this baits the enemy into thinking he can get a kill, until it's too late for him to run. At lower ranks, playing him properly will make people rage their faces off at you, because the only way to bait the enemy is to make it look like your ally is going to die by hiding there, and because he can't help much if the enemy isn't getting low, so you just let the ally die and stay stealthed.) Kill-stealing is not a bad thing as long as you're not wasting things that will need to be cooled down ASAP. In fact, in some cases it's a tangible benefit. The best phrase I ever heard regarding the subject was, "ks = kill securing". The idea that killstealing is a problem is mostly driven by personal vanity without regard to the team's victory - they would rather have a 50% chance at a 95% kill than a 10% chance at a 100% kill. More telling, in my opinion, is that people almost never complain about KS at my rank, and then when I had a huge losing streak 2 weeks ago, people were doing it all the time until I won some of my rating back.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 12:06:39 PM by Mr. Wallet »