Author Topic: Metario's RPJailing  (Read 9184 times)

Made a RPJailing Addon
Commands are so:
/jail (player) (crime) [ADMIN ONLY/MODERATOR ONLY]
/unjail (player)
/setjailposition (crime)
Only 4 crimes are in the script because this is a simple script, and my first attempt at making a addon.
1: Cannabis (aka drugs, or some stuff)
2: Assault (self explanatory)
3: Weaponary (illegal weapons)
4. Driving (wreckless driving)
NOTE: You must set a jail position before jailing players for all 4 crimes!
Perfect for (certain) RPs.
Future Updates:
Timed unjail time
More crimes/adjustable crimes to arrest/jail for
Make into a weapon

V.1: Addon Released
V.2: Added Moderator to all commands
V.3: Changing names of stuff to different things for the sake of convienience
« Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 12:26:07 PM by Metario12 »

It should be noted that only admins can use /unJail and /setJailPosition. And only Moderators+(if you have the moderator add-on) can use /jail.

Also, the package in chatting.cs isn't needed, as you're not parenting anything.
And the freePerson function isn't needed because you never use it.

Just leaving it in there just in case, lemme fix that up really quick. I think in my testing it showed the SA's and Admins can both use it.

Just leaving it in there just in case, lemme fix that up really quick. I think in my testing it showed the SA's and Admins can both use it.
Super admins can use anything that admins can use. They both have %client.isAdmin set to true.

Ah, I thought you meant something else. :P

don't use, it seems that .zip files are against their policies

Cannabis is considered a drug in this lil "Jail Script" ? Couldn't you have went with something actually drug-related and dangerous like Heroin or Crack? lol.

cannabis is a drug.
That said the category should just be made to illegal paraphernalia or just "drugs," since cannabis is kinda specific

Cannabis is considered a drug in this lil "Jail Script" ? Couldn't you have went with something actually drug-related and dangerous like Heroin or Crack? lol.
smoke weed every day

Cannabis is considered a drug in this lil "Jail Script" ? Couldn't you have went with something actually drug-related and dangerous like Heroin or Crack? lol.

row row fight the doctors

Cannabis is considered a drug in this lil "Jail Script" ? Couldn't you have went with something actually drug-related and dangerous like Heroin or Crack? lol.
go take your stuffty 'cannabis is the ultimate medicine!!!!' garbage elsewhere.

go take your stuffty 'cannabis is the ultimate medicine!!!!' garbage elsewhere.
Matter of opinion.  Calm down, jesus.

OT:  Just rename "Cannabis" to "Contraband".

Also could add "Tresspassing", "Theft", and "Tax Evasion".

Matter of opinion.  Calm down, jesus.
It's less about the opinion itself and more that he's trying to start stuff over said opinion, even though it's such a little thing.