Author Topic: Saints row: The third is $9.75 on steam!  (Read 1091 times)

Everyone Go buy it! saints row 3 + all the DLC for $9.75!!
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 01:23:14 AM by cowman »

in what world is 13 dollars 9.75?

franchise pack is cheaper than sr3 alone haha what
what no franchise pack is $13

Should have been the retail price.

Holy mother of forget why would they even bring the price that low.

god dammit i spent all my money yesterday :C

Odd, it says it's only $13 for the franchise pack.  Either way I don't want the DLC honestly.

I feel my addiction to deals lurking...

Fallout New Vegas dlc super cheap I wanna buy but idk