Author Topic: The Free Market is Non-existent with middle-men services that legally kidnap IPs  (Read 3888 times)

You miss the point.

So you're saying that platform exclusive content is dumb because it 'forces' consumers to want to buy more than one similar platform? You aren't making a complete argument here.

To me your trying to say that monopolies are bad because they are anti competitive, which is true. But then you're also trying to say that the very fact that multiple similar platforms for content (Hulu, Netflix, Amazon / Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft) is also anti competitive? Those are competitors from competing companies. They compete with each other.

Say I made a game by myself. What you're trying to pitch here is once I put that game out, anybody would be able to sell my game without question? I wouldn't own my own game JUST so I can't be the only person distributing it, which you say is anti competitive? Your idea is great for consumers, because there would be more ways to consume, but would REALLY loving suck for developers since nobody would own their own intellectual properties.
Is that what you're saying??
« Last Edit: December 17, 2018, 03:36:12 AM by Mr.Noßody »

im pretty sure his argument is "once you invent one thing everyone should use the same thing" cause his PC argument > all other consoles is basically that

which is hella dumb cause that's excessively reductionist. that's like saying "once someone figures out a good house design nobody should be making anything different, everything should be made with this great design"

1) who the forget is deciding if a design is good or not? something that's good for people living in san francisco is gonna be completely different from something thats good for people in kansas city
2) the whole reason variety exists is cause there's demand - the unique stuff you're talking about that makes it a "monopoly" is what economists call a monopolistic competition setup - similar products from competing companies with slight differences to draw consumers.

also there's more reason to console exclusive games than "muh purchase my console please" - developing for consoles is very different than developing for pc's. ports arent just straightfoward

there's a full length explanation here:

but the gist is: consoles have fixed and extremely consistent hardware requirements. if your game works on one console it works on all of the consoles of the same model, and you can be 100% sure every one of your players is using the same console (times have changed tho with "pro" versions and whatnot so this is becoming less of a guaranteed thing these days)

meanwhile pc's have varying hardware, software, and os requirements and basically nothing is guaranteed, so you have to spend extra time and work to make the game mostly bug free. and even then a ton of games on pc release with bugs on day 1 and have to be patched.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2018, 04:44:10 AM by Conan »

y'all read this? gimme a tl;dr

big companies bad

You're using the loving NPC meme wrong.

How does it make sense to be an NPC if you don't support big ass corporations?

He's not wrong the only reason people buy nintendo consoles is for their IPs.

You're using the loving NPC meme wrong.

How does it make sense to be an NPC if you don't support big ass corporations?
He's gone rogue

the property owners are the ones who choose what publishing services their products will be listed on, moreso if the creators of the game also own the publishing service that already explains it

you might as well never read a book by a certain author because they only sell their books on audible or barnes and noble (assuming you ever read books either way)

of course there is a problem regarding monopolized markets, mainly for anyone trying to rise and compete against them (like wacom tablets) but no amount of whining is going to change anything
« Last Edit: December 17, 2018, 08:49:57 AM by Strynd »

the property owners are the ones who choose what publishing services their products will be listed on, moreso if the creators of the game also own the publishing service that already explains it

you might as well never read a book by a certain author because they only sell their books on audible or barnes and noble (assuming you ever read books either way)

of course there is a problem regarding monopolized markets, mainly for anyone trying to rise and compete against them (like wacom tablets) but no amount of whining is going to change anything
Ah the good ol nilihistic "Give up, nothing will change because X."

Nothing will change if everyone gives up.

y'all read this? gimme a tl;dr
This is destructive to a healthy competition because companies are selling their platforms with exclusive properties instead of innovative functions or features, removing competition because shows, movies and their sequals are spread across multiple services, similarly for games.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2018, 09:16:00 AM by Master Matthew² »

lol im taking the bait

This is a problem that is omnipresent, but at the same time it is widely ignored. Intellectual Properties are being kidnapped legally, to force consumers to purchase multiple service subscriptions/purchase multiple products across multiple services. Effectively making the drawing part of these platforms the content they have purchased the rights too or purchased the licenses too, and not their own innovative practices.
Nothing is being "Kidnapped" like you're suggesting, this is just a way of boiling down something that's a little bit more involved for the sake of making your argument easier to make. IP is being bought by larger content aggregators so they have... content? What alternative would you suggest, all developers to just form their own shoddy platforms just because you don't like netflix? That's insane.

This perpetuates stagnation and forces consumers to spread themselves thin to have access to everything, not because they believe these platforms are all great, but because they're a part of a dangerous pissing contest.
This isn't actually true at all and shows truly how out of touch you are. Most people I know stick to their platforms because they're convenient or familiar. Most people I know aren't ready to switch from steam to epic games' launcher because steam has a lot of convenient QoL features that epic games doesn't. It has nothing to do with the access or the content.

Ask yourself, why do you have Netflix, Hulu and/or Amazon Prime? Why did you buy an Xbox, Playstation and/or Nintendo Switch? Why do you have accounts on Steam, UPlay, Origin and/or Epic Games?
Developers have formed a symbiotic relationship with these distributors out of necessity, not out of greed. It makes their content easier to distribute. As a consequence, we do have more platforms we have to subscribe to, but it's not like we're losing on this deal considering the benefits offered to draw people to platforms. Nothing is being robbed or kidnapped, it's all a system that's already been accepted the standard by the wider market and audience, you're just a reductionist moron.

If the answer was anything other then, "I Like both/all platforms equally for their services and innovative design that improves my quality of life" or "I only have one of these platforms, and I have no desire to get a competing one because the platform I have is the best for my needs". You're being scammed, and unfortunately it's all legal.
The issue here is that you say "You're being scammed" or "This perpetuated stagnation" but you don't explain why, you just leave these points floating thinking they've proven themselves. They haven't. I picked apart your entire insane rant and none of it makes sense when you have the individual points stand on their own.

I Bought a Nintendo Switch to Play Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey and Splatoon 2, the platform's unique features came second. I Bought an Xbox One for Spyro Reignited Trilogy and The Rare Replay Collection. Again, the platform's unique features came second.
This is what's known as a "You" problem, not an industry problem. For normal people, they get the console or the platform because of the features of that platform, not for specific titles. If you wanted to get a console for a couple exclusives, it's kind of your fault that you're missing out on features that you purposely ignored or didn't factor in.

If I had my choice, I would have stuck to PC alone and played BotW, Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Spyro Reignited Trilogy, and the Rare Replay Collection on there. The PC, to me, is the superior platform with the best features.
Ah yes, this is where I'd call you a "Stupid end user", where you think content just magically forms and distributes freely, you never really think too hard about why things are they way they are, you're just consequently pissed off because you don't get everything on your PC machine. There's more to why consoles are developed for than just hurr durr lets make the customers pay more money!!
Consoles as far as I'm aware have standardized hardware and software, and are a safe environment to develop and optimize content for, which makes developing games smoother and less stuffty, for lack of a better term. Developing for a PC environment means that you're going to have to optimize your game in a way that allows the user to self-optimize with the options, and this can lead to a lot of support issues. A LOT of support issues. Like, a forgetton. I know people who have worked customer support for game companies, it is not pretty.

But I bought these other platforms to play games they had, because they had them, there was no competition. These platforms weren't competing, they were putting a paywall in front of games I wanted to play, despite the fact they all could have worked on PC just as well.
Just why aren't they competing? I was under the impression that consoles were still in competition, at least between Microsoft and Sony. Also loving paywall? You realize the online fee for consoles are to make sure they can pay for upkeep, right? It isn't cheap to keep online services running. I don't like having to pay for an online service as much as the next guy, but it's pretty necessary for the platform developers, it means developing those consoles isn't as much of a risk.

These are legally kidnapped IPs. They aren't selling me these platforms because their platforms are superior, but because they have this one property no one else has, and that's detrimental to the entire gaming market.
You're making the argument that the platform's conveniences and features aren't the drawing points because you personally don't care about their conveniences and features. This is because you're a stupid end user. Your whole argument boils down to you not grasping the full picture and hopelessly groping at the whole "everything is a conspiracy" model of thinking you're so familiar with. Grow the forget up.

These properties don't have an exclusive value to these platforms in the sense, they could only function on these platforms. All of the Nintendo IPs could function on PC, swapping the motion controls out for mouse controls. Spyro Reignited Trilogy and Rare Replay Collection could both easily run on the PC without any major functions or features being lost.
This speaks for itself how much you actually know what you're talking about. Do you honestly believe you could just seamlessly port Nintendo's switch library over to PC?

This may be legal, but it is detrimental. The worst part is, this isn't exclusive to gaming. Movies, Tv Shows and even game stores on PC all do this. This is leaving these companies in a situation of stagnance, where no newcomer can come in, and only the people already present can """Compete""".
You still haven't explained any points, you're just throwing a bunch of statements out and then continuing onto the next thing. Why does it promote stagnation? If things were stagnating, why haven't we come to this conclusion? Why does this not count as competition?
All in all, you're full of stuff and have no idea how content distribution actually works, and you're angry because of your own shortcomings, not the industry's shortcomings.

This """competition""" isn't won through innovation, or creative ideas, it's simply a game of who has the most money, and the more money you have, the more IPs you buy, the more IPs you buy, the more money you have, until you reach a point where you have limited or almost no competition.
This hasn't manifested itself in any way, this is just insane speculation. I've seen content and platforms both live and die by their lack of innovation of creativity. Or other factors, like accessibility and convenience. The big names are big because they have secured an audience, not because of their loving brand. You might only think the brands have secured the big names because you're a stupid end user who only sees the ends, not the means.

These are monopolies in disguise of competing platforms and services. This is a major problem.
lol no it isn't

All in all, get forgeted matthew and stay out of the industry game

Oh yeah another point I wanted to fit in that I forgot to!! You're arguing about the entertainment industry. Maybe sometimes it's healthy to take a few steps back out of your own starfish and realize that this chicken little stuff is only making you look like a crackpot.

I'm not going to argue that the entertainment industry isn't shaping our culture, but videogames and movies aren't the sword by which we live or die. The way you argue about it is like it exists in some vacuum, this self-contained industry that should exist solely to serve the people. Doesn't take a genius to realize why that wouldn't fly. If you were to present this argument to actual content creators, distributors, marketers, or anyone else actually involved the industry or at some authority of the industry, you'd be laughed out of the building.

You're using the loving NPC meme wrong.
mfg tony, the meme applies on both sides

Ah the good ol nilihistic "Give up, nothing will change because X."

Nothing will change if everyone gives up.
im saying "give up, nothing will change because x" with x being "you have a stuffty idea of how things should work to personally satisfy you"
if you were any sort of content creator (even an independent artist) you would see the flaws in such a system

or nah im just going to take my own advice, "give up, nothing will change", your opinion will never change because you're fully convinced that your way is the only way and are committed to thinking this way only. committed to not understanding what you're talking about yet pretending to be some sort of innovative marketing guru

nothing anyone will say can change your mind and you will refuse to even consider that you don't know something or that you are ever wrong

ive seen this time and time again and seems to be some sort of trend that's been around since the beginning of time, i don't understand it

good luck digging your own grave, i want nothing to do with it

is this topic really about consumers getting cucked money-wise because i have a newsflash for you.

bruh lets jist loving go communistic  forget this stuff oh gnmy god shut thebfufjcii uouuiuup