Author Topic: Grand Chase, Online Action RPG - Season 3  (Read 9933 times)

Grand Chase is a fun side-scrolling Action RPG.
By action, I mean you don't just double click a monster and hit number keys to use skills.
Think of it more like those arcade fighting games, mixed with some platforming and dungeons.
There's a total of 10 characters (another one coming soon), each with 4 classes. (with the exception of Mari who is just getting her 3rd class)
The extra classes do take awhile to unlock (unless you're lazy and willing to spend money), which gives you something to aim for.
Wanna see videos and pictures and stuff? That's what Google and Youtube is for.

Some clarifications.
-Yes, you do only start with 3 female characters. There are 3 male characters that aren't hard to unlock at all. (But you will have to be about level 20+ to try) But why does that matter anyway? (Unless you're afraid that your richard will fall off if you play a female character)

-It may seem like you're just mashing Z throughout the game. That's because the beginning monsters are stupid. I would love to see you mash Z in Temple of Ascension and win, at any level.

-No, the game is not impossible without spending money. I've seen plenty of successful people, who do not use cash, make it far and play very well. However supporting the game and getting a few benefits never hurts anyone who actually works for a living. Spending $20-60 on a game will still allow you to put food on the table and pay bills.

-Grabs in PvP are annoying. Get used to it.

Season 3
For those who have quit long ago, season 3 is here and stuff. There's a forge and combos actually give bonus EXP. Monster cards can be put into rare items to enhance abilities. The quest system has been redone. (meaning there's actually quests beyond level 47, and they're not as annoying) Rare items can have properties (you can set your own with Epic forged items and most cash items) which can add things like critical rate, MP recovery (dungeon is from hitting monsters, pvp is the gradual increase), HP recovery (faster in PvP, max HP you recover to in dungeons), lower level requirement, and stats.
All dungeons in Bermesiah have been changed, along with most of the monsters. I want the old Treant back. :(

Blockland name
User: Grand Chase name
Levels: Elesis/Lire/Arme/Lass/Ryan/Ronan/Amy/Jin/Seighart/Mari

User: Shifta
Levels: 53/36/42/35/42/35/34/34/34/33

canto xe/Nightelf21
User: Nightelf21
Levels: Don't remember

Wing Zero
User: Auqos
Levels: 15/0/0/15/NA/30

User: CC3757
Levels: 16/6/7/NA/NA/16/

User: Kheyre
Levels: Dunno

User: Ottosparks
Levels: 0/5/30/??/??/17/??/3/??/2x

User: Chalize
Levels: 12/0/0

User: hi2323
Levels: 5/29/10/??/??/31

User: Doomonkey
Levels: Don't know

User: tikitai
Levels: Dunno

Server doesn't matter. Account carries over throughout all 3.
Gardosen is a tournament server. Don't go there unless you register for one.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 08:36:40 PM by Chrono »

Used to play nice game and i've been donating for it...!

Edit:Im going to dl it wanna play together Chrono?When i finish dling it? (Send me your steam)

User: Nightelf21
Levels: Don't remember
« Last Edit: July 07, 2010, 06:58:47 PM by canto xe »

Probably gonna be CCyay ingame.

Used to play nice game and i've been donating for it...!

Edit:Im going to dl it wanna play together Chrono?When i finish dling it? (Send me your steam)

User: Gonna find it you mean username i use to login right?
Levels: Don't remember

No, user as in what your name shows up as ingame.
If your name on Blockland is Nightelf21 and your ingame name is Gonna find it you mean username i use to login right? then you're doing it right.

I also don't use steam.

No, user as in what your name shows up as ingame.
If your name on Blockland is Nightelf21 and your ingame name is Gonna find it you mean username i use to login right? then you're doing it right.

I also don't use steam.


How about Blockland Forums and ingame Grand Chase?
That's about all I use, except IRC when I'm not on Grand Chase.

How about Blockland Forums and ingame Grand Chase?
That's about all I use, except IRC when I'm not on Grand Chase.

Lol Ok... im dling 50% till now

No this is "FINUL STRICK".

find lass beats jin plos
Wing Zero
User: Auqos
Levels: 15/0/0/15/30
The last two is Lass and Ronan respectively.

lol lass beats jin

uh chrono
i just registered and never found a referral box

uh chrono
i just registered and never found a referral box
I believe it shows up after you pick an ingame name when you log in or something.

I believe it shows up after you pick an ingame name when you log in or something.
downloading right now
whats your steam