Author Topic: Advertisement  (Read 3356 times)


  • Administrator
"Social experiment" tends to be code for "being a huge friend on the internet".  Tread lightly.

what is this

also, be more specific
what are we participating for?

"Social experiment" tends to be code for "being a huge friend on the internet".  Tread lightly.

oh god lol

"Social experiment" tends to be code for "being a huge friend on the internet".  Tread lightly.
My new signature.

The bottom mentioning [AB] gives me the idea that this is some kind of "super secret mysterious clan for 3lite pr0s".

Untold power? What, are we going to get admin on your server? That's stupid.

Making a nice picture and being mysterious isn't going to help you in any way, and making it "exclusive" isn't "cool". It's uninteresting and silly.

"Social experiment" tends to be code for "being a huge friend on the internet".  Tread lightly.

Note taken. Thank you.

also, be more specific
what are we participating for?

If I gave any details, the experiment would be ruined.  I can say that it involves little action on the side of the participants, and does not in any way involve "being a huge friend on the internet".

If I gave any details, the experiment would be ruined.

I'm sure no one will apply.

I also have a feeling this little project isn't going to be useful, or provide anything decent.

Here, I have a social experiment. Anyone who applies is a blind sheep.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 05:25:02 PM by Awdax »

Here, I have a social experiment. Anyone who applies is a blind sheep.

YOU IDIO-baaaaaaa

"Nobody will apply: nobody will enter"

"Nobody will apply: nobody will enter"

This seems to be the case, actually. Oh well, It's only the first page.

I'd laugh if the social experiment was just seeing how many people would apply

« Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 05:49:41 PM by Jello King »

I'd laugh if the social experiment was just seeing how many people would apply

that would be insanely genius to be honest

"Social experiment" tends to be code for "being a huge friend on the internet".  Tread lightly.

ahaha lol

I'm sure no one will apply.

called it