Author Topic: apparently the steam controllers are motion sensitive/gyro equipped  (Read 720 times)

basically it has a gyro that can tell if you move the controller to do things
also the setup in general sort of reminds me of something like PCSX2's level of configuration ability, almost

/discuss this and the controller in general

That's it

I'm buying one right now. This is really cool.

Oooo that's actually pretty neat. After playing Splatoon, I quite like gyro controls.

they still look insanely hard to use

Didnt people originally bitch about it saying that its going to suck and not work at all?

It looks pretty sweet (which was my opinion from the start) and im tempted on getting it to replace my xbox360 controller. I hope it will be as smooth as other controllers with platformers.

Didnt people originally bitch about it saying that its going to suck and not work at all?
I'm not sure why either. I liked them from the beginning.

Wait, so sixaxis but not stuff? Sound kinda cool actually.

Interesting how they have integrated so much different things.
I might pick one up at some point...

Didnt people originally bitch about it saying that its going to suck and not work at all?
It wasn't even really justified either considering I know a lot of the people that were complaining didn't even hold the damn thing in the first place.

Anyway this controller looks cool, from what I've seen it's already far more accurate than a traditional controller. Playing Splatoon has really shown me what gyroscope controls can do for aiming.

Get the wallets, Gaben's creation needs mone