Author Topic: Dix Miggie 3 (Campaign/Story Mode) [v1.1]  (Read 22445 times)

Hey, I'm hosting this right now!
32 max people I see :^)

We're going all out on this.
Any more than 6 players can cause issues, but see what happens if you'd like.

We managed to get to 80% on easy, however I got tired and shut down.

We got around 21 players max, and I recorded about 40%-80% of the game.

I'll be uploading the footage tommorow. Thanks for playing, guys!

We did it forum.

Also not in credits with the other voice actors gj man.

blockland keeps crashing when i click while it loads ghosts...
even after i've put in the console commands in the readthis.txt it still doesn't work.
i run a mac, is this why?

blockland keeps crashing when i click while it loads ghosts...
even after i've put in the console commands in the readthis.txt it still doesn't work.
i run a mac, is this why?
It might be. As far as we're concerned, no one who play tested was a mac user.

Ooooh stuff more Dix Miggie :D
Hell yea boi


this good btw

blockland keeps crashing when i click while it loads ghosts...
even after i've put in the console commands in the readthis.txt it still doesn't work.
i run a mac, is this why?
This is just a shot in the dark, are you playing with Shaders? Would make sense in my head trying to ghost and having shaders enabled would cause some kind of visual problem if your computer can't handle it causing the crash. Usually if I ghost a huge build and I have multiple things running it can lead to problems.

Are there any downloads for older Dix Miggie games? I couldn't find the other two.

Also at the 0:38 mark start thinking of Elmo's World

Are there any downloads for older Dix Miggie games? I couldn't find the other two.

The others are in the abyss of forgotten memories. Tho, I think the 2nd found can be found and uploaded. It just isn't packaged like DM3.

Are there any downloads for older Dix Miggie games? I couldn't find the other two.
The other Dix Miggies, as Bass said, are gone. Pretty sure Jayce still has Dix Miggie 2, but it'll need to be heavily updated.
There's also the RPG maker versions of Dix Miggie. Find Jayce's youtube and the downloads will be there.

Are there any downloads for older Dix Miggie games? I couldn't find the other two.

Dix Miggie 1 was erased when Jayce had to wipe his old hard drive. The only thing left is an old let's play on his channel. We have a packaged version of Dix Miggie 2, but it's very buggy.

You can find the first episode to the Dix Miggie 1 Playthrough here: