Author Topic: Cinema Tools  (Read 3903 times)

Version 1.1.0
Here is a server mod that utilizes BlocklandCEF to play videos or send players to any website you want to show off to everyone.

There's a /cinemahelp command that shows all the commands that you have access to.

Super Admins, grant/deny cinema control access with the /CinemaControlAccess (grant/deny) (player) command.

-Maximum resolution print texture for the highest quality Blockland allows
-Aforementioned help command
-Workaround to view embed blocked YouTube videos (music videos, etc)
-Client Sided Quality Selection for YouTube - Up to 8K (4k+ gimmicky)
-Quality Check Command
-Pausing Command
-Skip Ad Command
-YouTube Captions Toggle
-YouTube Nerd Stats
-Web search command
-Vimeo Commands
-Playing of Current Video on Spawn
-browserSupport Package for clicking the flat screens (must be enabled manually)

Brick_Screen - Made by Siba, it comes with a flat 16x12x1 cinema screen, a curved 32x24x3 cinema screen, and a massive two brick curved screen that's 128x76.8x10 combined
OPTIONAL Brick_Screen_Extra - Adds two flat cinema screens, one double and one half the size of the original flat cinema brick.
Print_Screen_Cinema - Put this print on cinema screen bricks for it to have the CEF screen
Client_ExtraCEFCmds - Unless you want to use the below console command, install this.
Code: [Select]
CEF_SetResolution(1536, 2048);

Obligatory Screenshots:

My name not included

« Last Edit: February 22, 2019, 05:56:45 PM by QuadStorm »

The brick_screen description text file reads "Ripped from Mr.Lol's cinema server." How exactly does one rip bricks from a public server?

The brick_screen description text file reads "Ripped from Mr.Lol's cinema server." How exactly does one rip bricks from a public server?
cache stuff. you can go through your cache to extract assets like blb, texture, and dts files.

I just realized that using /help instead of /cinemahelp or something is rather selfish, so I'll update the mod to change that. Additionally, I'll make a client support add-on to set the resolution automatically.

cache stuff. you can go through your cache to extract assets like blb, texture, and dts files.
how the forget

how the forget
put it this way - if your client didnt download the model or brick, how would it know how it looks/how to render it ingame? with enough effort you can always get said file.

scripts are excluded though, since clients dont need to download scripts for them to run, since they run entirely serversided. this includes image scripts, but not image states (which are downloaded for client prediction regarding image state, sfx, emitters, and animations)

put it this way - if your client didnt download the model or brick, how would it know how it looks/how to render it ingame? with enough effort you can always get said file.

scripts are excluded though, since clients dont need to download scripts for them to run, since they run entirely serversided. this includes image scripts, but not image states (which are downloaded for client prediction regarding image state, sfx, emitters, and animations)
No I mean how the hell can you break it open? I've tried before I've never been able to do it.

ask your local smart script kiddie (not me, i have only a vague clue how). i dont want to name names here cause i dont wanna encourage bothering said people.

how is this possible in blockland.

and no one has released animated prints yet

but really holy loving stuff

Fixed extra screen bricks, and they now come with two more curved screen sizes.