Author Topic: Greenw0lf is a bully beware of him  (Read 6286 times)

yeah!!!!!! bullies!!!!!!!!!

ot: op is a cigarette.
Holy stuff is OP trying to dismiss his own loving drama
This is new
EAT stuff AND DIE mondayS

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 11:37:23 PM by Badspot »

Here's what I've gotten from this drama so far:

OP is a mentally disturbed and possibly vengeful sociopath who enjoys negative attention. He also enjoys picking completely random fights and then feigning innocence when the spotlight shines on his prepubescent face. The solution would probably be to ban OP from any server on this side of the goddamn planet and pray to god he doesn't buy extra keys.

Here's what I've gotten from this drama so far:

OP is a mentally disturbed and possibly vengeful sociopath who enjoys negative attention. He also enjoys picking completely random fights and then feigning innocence when the spotlight shines on his prepubescent face. The solution would probably be to ban OP from any server on this side of the goddamn planet and pray to god he doesn't buy extra keys.
Stop bullying me or i'll rape you

he's trolling us really good right now

I love the cornered animal mentality OP is assuming now that we know him through. Probably like "oh if I type in all caps and insult everyone maybe I'll make it out alive"

Boi you ain't making it nowhere. The banhammer is about to drop.

I love the cornered animal mentality OP is assuming now that we know him through. Probably like "oh if I type in all caps and insult everyone maybe I'll make it out alive"

Boi you ain't making it nowhere. The banhammer is about to drop.

This drama is making me consider perusing a career path in autism studies

Maybe one day I can prevent this from happening again

Someone please put this in the chronology.

did anyone just realize that sugar is Greenw0lf?

i didnt know sugar was

-Backfiring intensifies-

Stop bullying me or i'll rape you