Author Topic: Need some help with spawnroom teleport events  (Read 471 times)

Okay so real quick is there any way to make a spawnroom with weapon selection *already have this part* but have the buttons that spawn you in teleport you to random locations? I already have a bunch of bricks down named "spawn", How do I do it?

I'm considering teledoors but it doesn't seem like a good solution for what i have planned

Yu could get "set player transform" event have have that tele the player, and get "shift events enabled" so each time its clicked/touched it connects to a different brick in the shift loop.

Yu could get "set player transform" event have have that tele the player, and get "shift events enabled" so each time its clicked/touched it connects to a different brick in the shift loop.
Huh? I don't understand.

1.  X   onplayerspawn > (named brick 1) > setplayertransform
2. [ ]   onplayerspawn > (named brick 2) > setplayertransform
3. [ ]   onplayerspawn > (named brick 3) > setplayertransform
4. [ ]   onplayerspawn > (named brick 4) > setplayertransform
5. [ ]   onplayerspawn > (named brick 5) > setplayertransform
6. [ ]   onplayerspawn > (named brick 6) > setplayertransform
7. [ ]   onplayerspawn > (named brick 7) > setplayertransform
8.  X   onplayerspawn > shifteventenabled > 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

That would work but i would need to go rename all the spawn bricks.. oh well.