Author Topic: Activision C&D's Fangame "Spyro: Myths Awaken" | A change of heart  (Read 6764 times)

They're only going to lose money because of their own incompetence. If they want to make money, make games not mediocre microtransaction stuff and half-assed remakes.
their own incompetence in what? selling a game they spent time effort and money on? lol you're the one that needs to grow a pair and deal with accepting that what happened happened with justification even if you dont like it

their own incompetence in what?
Incompetence in game design, incompetence business. They felt so threatened by a FAN GAME that was NOTHING like the product they would be selling, that they cease and desisted the project. If they put more heart and soul into their game design and not bluechip investment tactics.

Games are an art, not a stock fund. If they don't understand they can't just ride the mediocrity train into the sunset, they deserve to collapse under their own ignorance.

matthew's got a point, the fan game developers knew what they were getting into yet ran into it anyways. that's why we as gamers should be purchasing spyro: the reignited trilogy

Incompetence in game design, incompetence business. They felt so threatened by a FAN GAME that was NOTHING like the product they would be selling, that they cease and desisted the project. If they put more heart and soul into their game design and not bluechip investment tactics.

Games are an art, not a stock fund. If they don't understand they can't just ride the mediocrity train into the sunset, they deserve to collapse under their own ignorance.
and just like any other art you can’t take the name or title of someone elses work—and just like any other art the industry is loving horrible
seriously nobody relevant gives a stuff about your heart and soul bullstuff because the fact is the developers decided to be absolute morons and violate activision’s rights to spyro so they could give out a free game

your argument has now evolved into a critique of a reboot you admittedly refrained from playing. in that area you have no merit to call Spyro devs incompetent or bad at game design because you openly admit that you don't want to play the reboots at all. how can you critique something you haven't played? how can you even assume that the Spyro fangame was superior? the answer is you can't so your full of stuff

might seem like a jerk but meh:

tbh if i made a rly cool videogame that a lot of ppl loved, i would be very protective of it. This means that I probably wouldnt allow fan games to be a thing, because why would I let some random ppl i dont know touch my prized possession like its theirs? i mean sure, they might be cool people who just want to make a game about something they love, but if thats the case i'd rather them just make their own original game :P

maybe if its a small free-to-play game then i wouldnt mind as much, but I would always say no to ones that want to sell the game, cuz that means they'd have to be sort-of official right? like not canon but still legal, since their seeing profit from my IP. I wouldnt want my game to be associated with fan-made stuff to that extent

idk if the spyro fan made game was gonna be sold or free though, but either way im not upset over activision doing what they did, its their right and they havent done anything immoral so i dont mind

might seem like a jerk but meh:

tbh if i made a rly cool videogame that a lot of ppl loved, i would be very protective of it. This means that I probably wouldnt allow fan games to be a thing, because why would I let some random ppl i dont know touch my prized possession like its theirs? i mean sure, they might be cool people who just want to make a game about something they love, but if thats the case i'd rather them just make their own original game :P

maybe if its a small free-to-play game then i wouldnt mind as much, but I would always say no to ones that want to sell the game, cuz that means they'd have to be sort-of official right? like not canon but still legal, since their seeing profit from my IP. I wouldnt want my game to be associated with fan-made stuff to that extent

idk if the spyro fan made game was gonna be sold or free though, but either way im not upset over activision doing what they did, its their right and they havent done anything immoral so i dont mind
Well selling a fan game would just be wrong period. Without the proper permission that person would be profiting literal money off of someone's own IP and assets that they don't even own which is p messed up.

ye thats why i said i would say no to them, i would decline their request for it to be sold :P

ye thats why i said i would say no to them, i would decline their request for it to be sold :P
Ya but as in I don't know anybody/any company that would okay with that. Like pretty much everyone would automatically sah no to that.

well hunt down the freeman for one, since thats fan-made but costs 20 dollars on steam, im sure theres others too, i have no idea if its a common thing or not tho

if valve was public on the stock market i'm sure their stocks would've tanked real bad during the week hunt down the freeman got released

ye and it didnt help that ppl have been waiting for half life stuff for years (Half life 3 joke hahaahahahahaa)

If the fangame is really better than their actual game, then maybe they need to rethink their loving company. "Boo hoo, I can't make money by being mediocre. The poor fangame is beating me up!" - a loving giant company.

This is literally the same as A 20 year old man sueing a 5 year old for lightly sassing him, grow a pair.

This is why I've been drifting away from libertarians. People like you say "muh free market" and then defend people stealing stuff that isn't theirs by saying "well the free market", even though that isn't the free market, that's the black market. "If everyone steals everything, then everything will get better!" is your logic, yet you fail to see that by stealing something from the people who made it and depriving them of compensation for it you actively disincentivize them from making more of it. Because what's the loving point of passionately pouring hours of your life into something you know is going to be exploited and tossed around for no reward? Do you know how many loving musicians straight up leave the industry because they can't make money off of their own music that people just throw around on YouTube willy-nilly? The only reward any creator can get out of a product by making it is monetary gain, and you're actively saying "lol no I'll play the illegal game instead of the one made by the people who actually make the game". And then when you and your little cabal of rabid Spyro fans decide not to buy the new game put out by Activision, they'll look at their profit margin and go "well guess they don't like Spyro" and you'll never get an official Spyro game again because you're a loving entitled baby who doesn't know how to actually support things he likes like a responsible adult.

I mean, for forget's sake, you keep arguing for people stealing intellectual property yet when it comes to YouTube you flip the forget out and repost that one EmpLemon video in every loving thread. When you're a little content creator and you make a cool video and some guy with 100 million subscribers comes and rips you off without credit that guy should be stoned in the streets but when it comes to people doing the same with video games then hey, it's totally alright because reasons. It's insanely hypocritical and it baffles me as to how you don't see that. Go outside.

top brown townysts are predicting that it will be less than a week until MM posts an irony thread to trick us into believing he was Only Pretending all along

high school sucks and stealing is okay and p2p video systems work
     - my local crack addict