
Is this list worthy of a sticky?

Needs more commands

Author Topic: Big list O' Console Commands!  (Read 127708 times)

Blockland is now my calulator!

EDIT: This "[weapon here]image.projectile = [projectile name here]projectile;" does notwork for me, can somone give me an example of inseted weapons with inserted projectiles?
« Last Edit: September 11, 2009, 10:31:54 AM by Moppy »

clientcmdtimescale("Number Here"); - changes speed of your timescale (2.0 = LAG) :cookieMonster:

Edited, wow this list is getting huge :D

function f(){schedule(100,0,F);scrolltools(-1);scrolltools(1);}

-Lets you fire weapons really fast

function f(){}

-To turn it off
Not working for me :/

Not working for me :/
Then something must be wrong with your Blockland; it works flawlessly for me.

Not working for me :/
It sorta depends on the weapon your using it with, if your trying a weapon with a timeout when you bring it up, it won't work, but if its something like the hammer, printer, wrench, sword, etc. it works fine. Make sure there's no syntax errors when you put it in. When you can't put your weapon down even when you toggle your tool, you know its working.

A good idea would be to separate the server sided and client sided commands, and explain when you can use them.

Blockland is now my calulator!

EDIT: This "[weapon here]image.projectile = [projectile name here]projectile;" does notwork for me, can somone give me an example of inseted weapons with inserted projectiles?

Gunimage.projectile = Rocketlauncherprojectile;

Try that.

Then something must be wrong with your Blockland; it works flawlessly for me.
Do you need to be at your own server?

Gunimage.projectile = Rocketlauncherprojectile;

Try that.
Thank you

A good idea would be to separate the server sided and client sided commands, and explain when you can use them.

What would be the name of the bouncy ball (Smiley ball) Projectile