
Which mob is the best?

None. I hate them all.

Author Topic: RPG Bots Pack - Cute Mobs! NEW! WINGS!  (Read 7887 times)

I've been in recent development of some cute little mobs.

These mobs are supposed to be basic and adorable. So here we go.

Added Swampling
Added Techling
Animated Shroomling
Got Shroomling In-Game
Node coloring events complete!
Added Penguin
Added Stingling

Updated Stuff.

The shroomling is done. Still debating on releasing the node coloring events with it.

Shroomling (View in 3D)

Swampling will be next. The other model didn't look so good, so I gave him an update.

Swampling (View in 3D)

Techling isn't done yet, and I'll likely remove his legs and do something else with him.
Expect an update on this model after the Swampling is done.

Techling (View in 3D)

And the 4th model. I love penguins. I build them everywhere I go c:
Penguin (View in 3D)

New 5th model [Please rate X/10]
Stingling (View in 3D)

^You asked for one with wings, so there ya go!
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 06:46:48 PM by tony-0222 »

Aww they're so cute :o

The cylinders on the techling shouldn't have so many sides, other than that I like it

We need one with wings, a Wingling

Are you able to do default-ish playertypes with animations?

Are you able to do default-ish playertypes with animations?
Yeah. Default player model is already listed in that one resource topic, just needs animated.

We need one with weed, a Stonedling
   Possibly the next mob, thx for the idea.

Also all of these mobs will have animations. I'll list 'em later.

Yeah. Default player model is already listed in that one resource topic, just needs animated.

I mean, I've been working on a RPG back in June 2014 and picked it up again recently, and using custom player models for enemies and custom animations for players would be perfect.

I mean, I've been working on a RPG back in June 2014 and picked it up again recently, and using custom player models for enemies and custom animations for players would be perfect.
Yeah it's possible.

I'm also working on an RPG, and that's the point of these models. I only plan to release these 4 though.

 I also have coin piles, exp crystals, custom rock bricks with door-style functionality to appear empty after mined, along with a variety of weapons from Silver Lances to Golden Throwing Knives. Not to mention the bones mobs drop that you can bury for +1 karma. Anyways...

Animating is somewhat annoying for me, so..
Custom playertypes representing "races" are an idea I've been thinking about, even though its a bit of work. This would be where "Default-style player model with custom animations" would come in.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2015, 07:44:25 PM by tony-0222 »

You should make their sit animation to be to hide in some way, like if they are in an idle mode, they change into some seemingly harmless form.

Like shroomling buries itself in the ground and disguises as a normal mushroom.  Colors should maybe be red and white.
Idk about swampling, but maybe some better-camouflaged colors could suit it better.
Techling looks good, though the cylinders have too many faces, and maybe it can disguise as an oil can or a paint bucket or something.

This looks really neat and simplistic.  I really look forward to seeing where this goes.

You should make their sit animation to be to hide in some way, like if they are in an idle mode, they change into some seemingly harmless form.

Like shroomling buries itself in the ground and disguises as a normal mushroom.  Colors should maybe be red and white.
Idk about swampling, but maybe some better-camouflaged colors could suit it better.
Techling looks good, though the cylinders have too many faces, and maybe it can disguise as an oil can or a paint bucket or something.

This looks really neat and simplistic.  I really look forward to seeing where this goes.
NEAT AND SIMPLISTIC?!?! Thank you, that was my goal(;

Giving each mob a "hide" animation for their sit is kinda.. hard to do. Animations are movement. You can't turn a sphere into a hexagon. Maybe I could pull this off cleverly somehow. Also, Techlings legs are gonna get re-done. Too high poly / too many faces to look blocko enough.

When I mean hide, I'm referring to Hydralisk's Tremor playertype.  In this case, the body might be in plain view, but the limbs might retract, and the face might become harder or impossible to see.  Doesn't need to be like over-the-top fancy, of course.

Done with shroomling animations, updated OP with GIF.

Interesting.  Could you maybe make the faces kinda emotionless or even slightly cheerful?  I think the angry faces almost look unsuited to those lil buggers.  It would even be funny watching a bunch of smiling mushrooms chasing some guy that stumbled into the wrong place down and then devouring him.