Author Topic: Blockland Glass 4.2  (Read 296887 times)

Well I wouldn't worry about that. It's pretty standard for any updater to let you choose "not now".

Well I wouldn't worry about that. It's pretty standard for any updater to let you choose "not now".
It should include a way to skip an update.

Blockland Glass won't connect to glass live anymore. What's happening?
Do you have a Crystal-Glass membership? Only &14.99 a month!

This needs a option to disable a update on certain addons

This needs a option to disable a update on certain addons
Click the 3 dots next to an addon when it asks you to update

Please don't force updates at all. This is one of my biggest fears with your system and Support_Updater. Ask the player if it's okay, and let them say no.
Yes. I'm just worried that the updater might be updated to force updates in the future.

The only updates Glass "forces" are for Support_Updater and Glass itself. The only reason we do this is because mismatching the two could break one or both, putting users in to an non-updateable state where they're unlikely to know that they're not receiving updates.

Well I wouldn't worry about that. It's pretty standard for any updater to let you choose "not now".
It should include a way to skip an update.
This needs a option to disable a update on certain addons

Right-clicking on an add-on on the glass updater GUI will ensure it doesn't update.

I kinda just realised two things.

A. the Glass GUI and the Blockland GUI textures don't quite match.

B. The Glass GUI kinda looks ugly, It just looks to flat, although I'm not really a fan of the metro design. (Sorry D:)

Although I have two fixes for this. Both of which could be implemented simultaneously.

A. have an option two switch between GUI's in Glass.
B. Create a Blockland Glass complient GUI.

Or You could do this.

Create an addon that allows you to select from a variety of custom GUI's for Blockland, (this would be loving awesome.) Make Blockland Glass compatible with this addon, and
have themes that extend for glass, and a theme that comes with glass that looks like the default GUI.

I kinda just realised two things.

A. the Glass GUI and the Blockland GUI textures don't quite match.

B. The Glass GUI kinda looks ugly, It just looks to flat, although I'm not really a fan of the metro design. (Sorry D:)

Although I have two fixes for this. Both of which could be implemented simultaneously.

A. have an option two switch between GUI's in Glass.
B. Create a Blockland Glass complient GUI.

Or You could do this.

Create an addon that allows you to select from a variety of custom GUI's for Blockland, (this would be loving awesome.) Make Blockland Glass compatible with this addon, and
have themes that extend for glass, and a theme that comes with glass that looks like the default GUI.

So... Support_Themes.

Greek2me already offered this for Blockland Glass, but I'm not quite sure why it was turned down. Maybe they saw the Add-On as... not so stable?

So... Support_Themes.

Greek2me already offered this for Blockland Glass, but I'm not quite sure why it was turned down. Maybe they saw the Add-On as... not so stable?

Well that's weird, although maybe Greek2Me didn't make stable Add-ons before?


Hey, this is a different subject, but could you add the Colorset Option from RTB to Glass?
It's a pain to have to install both, when they both don't work well with eachother.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2016, 08:36:34 AM by Master Matthew² »

The only reason we do this is because mismatching the two could break one or both, putting users in to an non-updateable state where they're unlikely to know that they're not receiving updates.

This actually wouldn't even be a concern if you didn't force your UI onto Support_Updater. The idea of having Support_Updater be independent is so that a bad update to one of the other add-ons will not break the update system.

Blockland Glass v3.2.0

I'm excited to announce the release of Glass version 3.2.0. Paperwork and I have been hard at work with this update, rounding out our features and extending the Glass ecosystem. A special thanks goes to Jam_Jar for our wonderful new logos and Crown for help with the new icon selector.

Notable Changes:
  • Glass Live Server v2
    We've rebuilt the Glass Live server from scratch with improved security, data management, and reliability. Future expansion will be much easier due to our new structure and monumentally cleaner code
  • GlassBot
    I'd like to introduce our new full-time employee, GlassBot! GlassBot is going to kindly watch our chat to ensure that everyone behaves
  • Ban/Kick system
    We had to give GlassBot some tools. We're hoping to minimize spammers and deal with issues much better now
  • Icons
    Try clicking on your name in the user list. You'll be treated to a wonderful GUI made by Crown which will allow you to customize you icon
  • Status System
    You can now set your status (Online, Away, and Busy) to let people know your availability
  • Settings Revamp (and reset)
    We've reworked our setting system, and in turn had to reset your settings. Sorry about an inconvenience, but things are better this way.

Also a lot of smaller and behind-the-scenes tweaks:
  • Required Clients revamp
  • Download Manager revamp
  • User blocking
  • Long names now scroll
  • Friends window vertical resizing
  • Client-sided chat logging
  • Chatroom/Direct message scrolling tweaks
  • More settings
  • Startup notification only on startup
  • Connect/Disconnect confirmations
  • Glass-themed messageBoxOk/messageBoxYesNo
  • Discontinued oRBs support
  • Toggling friend list sections
  • Global user mentioning
  • Tweaked colors
  • Removed room awake status
  • Glass URL Mod Manager redirect
  • Improved error handling
  • Improved disconnect cleanup
  • Logo, thanks to Jam_Jar
  • Friends list sorting
  • More special character support
  • Fired ModBot, hired GlassBot
  • Retouched Mod Manager

This is by far our most stable and wholesome update yet, a trend we intend to continue in the future. There's likely many more small tweaks that didn't make the change-log, but we really hope everyone enjoys the update.

I'd like to introduce our new full-time employee, GlassBot! GlassBot is going to kindly watch our chat to ensure that everyone behaves[/li][/list]
Why though? You already have your own system, why not implement preventative measures and have the 'bad messages' never show to begin with?
Like, Blockbot and this never made sense to me. If something is wrong, why let it through and then punish?

Why though? You already have your own system, why not implement preventative measures and have the 'bad messages' never show to begin with?
Like, Blockbot and this never made sense to me. If something is wrong, why let it through and then punish?
I agree with this. Having a bot to check the chat all the time will result in false positives. On the other hand, checking the message before it's sent and apply rules in the server will block the message from reaching the user and tell the user that is doing this to stop is a much better approach. As well as disconnecting the user if it doesn't behave, like for instance when spamming so much that the server cannot handle it that well. You got full control over the chat channel so it shouldn't be a problem doing this, right?

view the attachment (i was too lazy to upload it to imgur)