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Topics - Siberian Husky

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Gallery / T-34-85 and Matilda II
« on: February 02, 2014, 03:48:29 PM »
Im making a firearms museum  and i decided to make brick built tanks of fictional tanks i draw all the time or real ones. So... heres some pictures.

(stuffty) Matilda

Feel free to rate each tank x/10

Gallery / Kinda okayish Alaskan River front
« on: January 31, 2014, 11:15:55 PM »
I got board and decided to make a Alaskan style river front cabin so... yeah...

Feel free to rate x/10 tell me anything you see that i should remember to do/fix

Creativity / -Warning Ponies zone- So i made some art today.
« on: January 27, 2014, 11:09:55 AM »

Made in if you use any please give me credit (idk what you'd use them for.)

Next week or so ill be starting drawing class in school (this teacher is very very good i heard too :D) so i might improve some of my electronic made art.

Gallery / History Bro's Mini Empires 1920-2014
« on: January 27, 2014, 09:15:39 AM »
Hello. I am Shyne the owner of History Bro's and our current Empires. I have worked with a friend, Blus he's been a great asset in the spawn room.

Anyways, this empires has a small quiz asking you questions (4 easy questions) before you can go to victory road. In the spawn room Blus has made 2 example battles to show what they should look like. We use the Empires Brick Pack.

Here are a few in game photo's

These are some older photos ill get more up to date ones when i host today. We like people to build detailed so we can put the bricks i got to use.

So far these are the super powers

Republic of Canterlot -Shyne
Zenna - Blus

Catru- patrickstar

????- Inspecter Cordax

????- DarkData

***Current Events: Riots break out in Catru do to a giant miltary factory produsing railway guns near Catru's capital city. Rep. of Canterlot is testing Chemical Axe a strong gas that can burn the air around it causing a void to form and pressure to increase***

Music / Brony Music Pack
« on: January 18, 2014, 11:42:59 AM »
Note: It was 1 AM while i made these it was friday i had to get up early from school i was exusted and i rushed on the loops so they may not be the best.

Comment requests and i just might loop them.

Games / How much room does steam take up on your computer?
« on: January 16, 2014, 01:50:16 PM »
Steam takes up 76.1 GB (81,796,332,015 bytes) of my harddrive .-. so much less then i thought i thought it took up 200+

EDIT: Blockland takes up 1.42 GB (1,533,466,854 bytes) it use to be 8 GB (dont know why i had so many addons and such some was even backups of BL)

Modification Help / Vehicle help
« on: January 16, 2014, 01:37:21 PM »
I plan on trying to make a few vehicles (aircraft) does anyone have a tutorial for any vehicles like boats (i know they use bots) ground vehicles or flying vehicles? I just need a tutorial on how to get started on it all thanks. I loving will loose my mind if this is the wrong subforum

Gallery / Mini Tiger One
« on: January 01, 2014, 04:15:06 PM »
So I was on my mini empires server, and decided to build a tiger one for my nation.

Suggestions & Requests / Flatlands Map DL?
« on: August 11, 2013, 01:43:59 PM »
Can someone give me a link to it its no longer up and i require it for mapping in my v19 install im using it to make a map then build with the terrain bricks around it im also doing this with a few other maps. Can somebody please give me a working download? Thank you. 

Suggestions & Requests / Snake Bot
« on: April 18, 2013, 04:51:52 PM »
Could someone make a snake bot that uses the new bot holes? I'd like a lego model or just anything else their should be three diffrent versions

Python: Attacks its prey and eats whole (like the shark attack but inside of it with the snake fatter)
Rattle Snake Bites you and injects venom (the damage and over all time i dont care much could someone even make a cure item for this?)
Yard Snake A normal snake that you would find in a house yard up around Michigan which doesent have venom but will attack

Please no negitive posts like "Make it your self lazy ****"

Suggestions & Requests / "Gentleman" by Psy
« on: April 14, 2013, 02:18:44 PM »
Can someone loop this song? I dont care what ever part because i dont really care where you loop it; Is this something you can do for me? I dident put this on those music request topics so i wouldent bump them

Suggestions & Requests / More boats
« on: April 02, 2013, 02:28:56 PM »
 Okay guys we have enough planes and cars , but yet like no boats we need more.
I'm starting a project of a harbor RP; Like Who cares99's Airport RP (No not copying and i am his friend i would be allowed by him to theme stuff after his servers). We need bigger boats not little tiny things that cant hold 5 players.
 We need stuff like big sailboats , yachts , and speedboats.
Come on is it really harder to make a boat then a car? Or a plane? Or even a damned gun?

Off Topic / Most annoying person on the forums?
« on: April 01, 2013, 01:06:12 PM »
I say K3k0m@n he is a annoying 10 year old that keeps bumping his stupid "movie" topic thing

Suggestions & Requests / OTs-03 SVU
« on: March 21, 2013, 04:53:19 PM »
 Can some one makes this? I would really apresiate it (sorry for grammar)
Here is the wiki link
If it is too hard for someone thats okay if you can at least make a model i'd accept it and ill script it.

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