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Topics - Nethog

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Games / Just got Hearthstone
« on: September 21, 2013, 01:11:24 PM »
I got a beta key and this game is amazing :o

Anyone else have it?

Off Topic / I can't seem to change my avatar
« on: August 16, 2013, 01:59:50 PM »
I've been trying to change my avatar to something else but whenever I select the file and click change profile all it does is refresh the page.

Anyone have idea why i cant change it?

Games / Build & Defend: A Tale of Survival
« on: June 22, 2013, 01:53:46 AM »

I found this game because I googled building survival games. After watching the video at the start it didn't seem that cool however I tried it and I died like on the second day because I had no idea what I was doing. I played again and started realizing how to play its actually pretty fun. It has a free demo but i'll probably buy the full version because I just beat the demo. It also has multiplayer, but for the demo you can only play the building game mode.

So basically what you do is build up a base to fend of monsters at night time, however your only real food supply is wheat and the monsters will either try to kill you or go for your wheat. You want to defend both. The game also has boss battles and so far after finishing the demo I've only seen two, the bosses were varied so far and I enjoyed fighting them.

I actually don't know a whole lot about the game at this point because after looking at some of the pictures of the full game there seems to be a lot more features.

Here's the picture gallery on the website:
And the main page:

I'm going to get it tomorrow because i'm about to go to sleep, if anyone else decides to get it, want to play multiplayer?
Also its only $5.

Games / Survival/building games on steam?
« on: March 15, 2013, 11:36:19 PM »
The game doesn't have to be both survival and building, it can be one or the other but I've realized I really like games like this and I've played Minecraft, Blockland, Don't Starve and even this tribes 2 construction mod and I find them all really fun. So i'm wondering what other games on steam are like this.

Off Topic / Happy birthday to me
« on: February 15, 2013, 05:39:59 AM »
hey its my birthday and I just turned 15! (I also think its barakudas birthday but I don't know for sure :o)

Games / Killzone Mercenary
« on: January 30, 2013, 07:47:37 PM »

gameplay trailer was just uploaded and it looks amazing

console quality graphics


Suggestions & Requests / Potion and Milk
« on: December 27, 2012, 04:18:19 PM »
Does anyone have these addons found in this topic?


Modification Help / Some weapons go through riot shields?
« on: December 20, 2012, 08:47:58 PM »
Hey guys the Huntsman is an example of one of these weapons, I was wondering how i can make it so the huntsman doesnt go through the riot shield.

heres the script

General Discussion / Castle Siege Server!
« on: December 17, 2012, 09:47:48 PM »
logo by wound

This is a castle siege build by Kojolika with the help of Kazami, Skill4life, Hell Fire, and Wound.
This is basiclly an event based Castle Siege with classes!

How to play:
The objective is for the Red team to capture each point to get to the tower and win the round, or the round will reset within 10 minutes.
The blue team is to defend the objectives, basically nothing to explain here.


Mage - Magic - Stone, Magic - Water, and Magic - Lightning
 Counters to this class: Warrior, Mechanic (both at range but not close up), Bowman, Mage, Dark Angel.

Dead Angel - Hidden Blade, Magic - Darkness, and 2 throwing knives
Counters to this class: Bowman, Mage, Spearma(all at range), and Warrior and Mechanic (with shields)

Spearman - Spear and Dagger
 Counters to this class: Warrior, Mechanic and Mage and Bowman (long range)

Berzerker - The Eyelander, Sword, and Pill
 Counters to this class: Bowman, Eletricman, Mage, and Dark Angel.

Electric man - Lighting and Static Thrusters
 Counters to this class: Bowman, Mage(both at range), Spearman, and Warrior, Mechanic (with sheilds)

Mechanic - Wrench, Shield, and Bomb
 Counters to this class: Berzerker, Mechanic, and Mage

Bowman - Recurved Bow, Dark bow, and Dagger
Counters to this class: Warrior, Mechanic, and Dark Angel

Warrior - GreatSword, Shield, and Pill
Counters to this class: Berzerker, Mechanic, Mage

Also for Christmas themed everyone gets a snowball!

Capture Points

All capture points lock after be captured except ruins.

Ruins - This is the only capture point where it does not lock after a team captures it, it its mainly for the attackers being able to spawn closer to the castle.

Market Place - You do not need this point to win but you can cap it to be able to spawn in the castle!

Central Square - After the attackers capture this then you will be able to cap the stables!

Stables - Not only does this provide horses but a battering ram will appear at the second gate and you will be able to capture the District!

District - After the attackers capture this, then they will be able to capture the King's Room!

King's Room -  After the attackers capture this, then they will be able to capture the Training Grounds!

Training Grounds - After the attackers capture this, then they will be able to capture the Big Wall!

Big Wall - After the attackers capture this then they will be able to capture the Tower!

Tower - When this is capped the Attackers win!


Note: The first 3 images are from the normal version, then last 3 are from the currest Christmas verison.


We will be constantly updating the server to improve the balance of the classes, to improve the gameplay, or to improve the build.
We will also take a few suggestions of what to add to the server; not too many though!

Off Topic / Can anyone edit my avatar?
« on: December 08, 2012, 11:11:32 PM »
Can anyone resize this to 250x250 and add a glossy effect to make it look cool for a youtube avatar?

Off Topic / Games with awesome soundtracks
« on: December 01, 2012, 12:11:33 PM »
Post soundtracks of games that you thought were awesome!

heres 2 of mine

tribes 2

and Playstation Allstars

Gallery / A car *I added a truck!*
« on: November 25, 2012, 09:47:08 AM »
Hey guys I'm usually pretty terrible at making cars but I thought this one turned out a little better than usual. It's meant to be a generic car for a TDM and I would like some feedback on it and what I can do to improve it.

Okay guys im back and I made this truck today, I think it looks way better than the car :D
you can rate x/10 and tell me what i can do to improve it!
*Note the prints arent final

Modification Help / How to change how fast a weapon can attack?
« on: November 16, 2012, 03:33:03 PM »
Hey guys,I'm not much of a scripter but I do edit some weapons script to make them more balanced for what im currently using them for.
So as the title says I'm wondering how to make something attack slower.

Off Topic / I've been sick all night
« on: November 10, 2012, 11:06:24 AM »
Hi guys im posting this with my vita. Ive woken and thrown up about 5 times. Any good tips on how to feel better?

Help / Is there a way to make it so I can activate more events at once?
« on: October 23, 2012, 04:31:12 PM »
hey im making this build which requires a lot of events and i was wondering if anyone had an answer to the question in the title

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