Author Topic: Event - playPitchedSound  (Read 4630 times)


The playSound event, but with a variable pitch slider going from 0.2 to 2.

Targets include Self and Client as per the original playSound event targets.
Sounds made using playPitchedSound are also not affected by /timescale.

Download on Blockland Glass

Holy stuff thats so cool. Nice

this is pretty clever, I like it

Was really needed, great job.

10/10 you can play imperial march with orchhitH

you could potentially do a setPitchedMusic with this; if i recall correctly when a brick is given music it stays at that timescale until the music being played is re-set.

you could potentially do a setPitchedMusic with this; if i recall correctly when a brick is given music it stays at that timescale until the music being played is re-set.

yeah you can, but I'm pretty sure if you move away from it then come back or rejoin the pitch will be whatever the timescale actually is so I avoided doing that one because it wouldn't be consistent for everyone.

was messing around w/ this on trog's earlier and it seems like it'd be great for horror games

This will be SO awesome for in-game music stuff!

wait question, if you put server timescale at 2.0 and playpitchedsound at 2.0, will it give you 4.0x sound?

wait question, if you put server timescale at 2.0 and playpitchedsound at 2.0, will it give you 4.0x sound?

Sounds made using playPitchedSound are also not affected by /timescale.

a playPitchedSound playing at a 1.7 timescale will still play at a 1.7 timescale regardless of whatever the server's actual timescale is, afaik it is impossible with torquescript to set the timescale any lower than 0.2 or higher than 2.0

oh mb, didn't see that