Author Topic: "OBEY" Billboard  (Read 2316 times)

So I was in Lord Tony's server today, and he wanted people to build propaganda for him. So I built this billboard based off the movie "They Live", in which Roddy Piper puts on sunglasses and sees stuff like this when he looks at billboards:

You can even see one of them says "OBEY" in the lower, left-hand corner.

With my billboard I exploited the bug where, when you look at bricks with FX paint on them through a window brick, they become invisible.

Here's the fake advertisement (Pearl FX on all of it):

And here's what it looks like when viewed through a window:


For those of you who are confused, here's a video of it in action (Please excuse the terrible framerate, I'm on my laptop):

I like it. I was exploiting it for one way windows, but changing messages. Its a whole new idea.

I like it. I was exploiting it for one way windows, but changing messages. Its a whole new idea.
This is a cool idea too

I wasn't aware of this glitch at all...

That's really damn cool

That reminds me of the one Aperture Science quote from Cave Johnson about the subliminal messages and sunglasses that lets you see them.

It still would be nice if FX sprays were fixed and implemented an FX xray spray for this one specific thing.

My goodness... I knew about this glitch but this is quite a unique way of putting it to use.

Nice job A+ creativity.

Something creative and interesting, nice!

I've done something like this, a one way window.

So, people inside of a room would see a wall, outsiders would see inside.

9/10 idea
5/10 execution.
you should have maybe changed the Y and used prints.

That's pretty neat

I like neat thing.