Author Topic: A New Gamemode and a peculiar Spawn System  (Read 2031 times)

Hello fellow gamers. I need help with a certain project that I have been working on. The project is a simple TDM that uses a spawn system where the players select their loadout before the game, and are then placed randomly around a map. Now, there's a particular problem with how this spawn system shall work. I want the player to spawn randomly around the map, but I know that in order to do that I must find a way for the events (setplayertransform specifically) to work. So far the events will only allow me to spawn in one area. Secondly, I need the main spawn to become obsolete (or blocked off) for the rest of the match until another round starts. If a new player comes during the match, they must be able to select their weapons and join the fight like all of the other players do without the ability to respawn. ANOTHER issue lies within the amount of ammo the players start with. I want to give them plenty of ammo when they spawn. (This one's kind of a nitpick because I could just easily place a bunch of ammo around the map). So, any suggestions or ideas in solving this problem?

The ammo part sounds like a pref thing - since you are asking in mod help I would suggest trying to code the spawn system. Here's a snip to randomly tele to a brick name with multiple bricks (yes it's a modification to doPlayerTeleport, may not be the best code but it does work).
The main spawn could be used by relays after a time, but probably use the named brick system as code to make them all disappear and reappear when the match resets. Use these 2 variables for your loop:
brickgroupnameorID.NTObjectCo unt_["brickname"] This returns how many bricks are named "brickname"
brickgroupnameorID.NTObject_["brickname", indexnumber] indexnumber ranges from 0 to the NTObjectCount - 1. This will return a brick

if you're just looking for events to do it, you can randomize spawns with projectile randomizers or VCE and naming each spawn differently
and to prevent people respawning in the normal location you could try checkpoints or VCE variables

if you're just looking for events to do it, you can randomize spawns with projectile randomizers or VCE and naming each spawn differently
and to prevent people respawning in the normal location you could try checkpoints or VCE variables
holy stuff you're alive!