Author Topic: project S.T.A.L.K.E.R  (Read 2346 times)

Hey guys i'm making a new neat-o project based of the game series S.T.A.L.K.E.R. i think its neat ok. :(
It wont be a 100% re-creation though. so far i've started on some sort of lab garage thing. (think x18'ish lab or something)

heres some pics: (sorry if quality is bad or the images are too dark, i suck at env stuff :( )

overview of the garage, i know it doesnt make any sense to have a panzer in a ukranian bunker lab but whatever it looks cool.

spooky doorway!! :o

guard close to the camp

spooky big door thing, maybe some sort of testing area behind it?!? :o

constructive criticism is welcome, i need to improve my building skill when it comes to detail work thats for sure.
if anyone wants to help out just hop onto my server and start building.

it's awfully difficult to tell what's actually in the images. environment could use adjusting

cant see enough from the pics to make any judgement

it's awfully difficult to tell what's actually in the images. environment could use adjusting

sorry for the crappy pics here are some new ones that hopefully are better;

oh god this looks so much worse compared to the pics with a dark setting/atmosphere.

Funny I was looking for Blockland projects on Stalker just yesturday

As someone whose beaten shadow of Chernobyl 5 times I have no idea what any of these pictures are

I don't think he's trying to remake STALKER I think he's just making stuff inspired by it


As someone whose beaten shadow of Chernobyl 5 times I have no idea what any of these pictures are

honestly its just based of the games, im trying to re-make the stalker feeling not stalker.
i dont really know how to explain it, i want it to feel like stalker but not be stalker. err idk.

honestly its just based of the games, im trying to re-make the stalker feeling not stalker.
i dont really know how to explain it, i want it to feel like stalker but not be stalker. err idk.
Trying to emulate STALKER?

Get out of here, S T A L K E R.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 03:23:51 PM by _OXBADCODE# »