Author Topic: Face Edit Sheet Addon  (Read 811 times)

A addon that allows you to put custom textures on bricks and make terrain
for example the face edit sheet from hammer world editor:

If you know how to map on hammer world editor then you know what im saying :)

For one it'd be impossible to do in TorqueScript. It'd have to be an external program. Custom textures also aren't possible. You'd either have to use a print or make a new face for every single pixel of a different color. And what do you mean by terrain? The terrain datablock was removed. If you mean terrain like bricks then it probably wouldn't be very feasible and would take a ton of math.

THis would be incredibly complicated to make and I doubt that it will be made because of that.

For one it'd be impossible to do in TorqueScript. It'd have to be an external program. Custom textures also aren't possible. You'd either have to use a print or make a new face for every single pixel of a different color. And what do you mean by terrain? The terrain datablock was removed. If you mean terrain like bricks then it probably wouldn't be very feasible and would take a ton of math.

THis would be incredibly complicated to make and I doubt that it will be made because of that.
damn you hit him hard