Author Topic: Game Design Megathread  (Read 444809 times)

Add an option to turn off auto-sorting. Many people love messing around with inventory systems like yours and believe it brings more to the game. See Resident Evil 4 as an example.

I probably might but it'll be off by default. The inventory grid system is meant to visualize item weight. I'd use a basic inventory list with weight numbers but it's hard to visualize or follow, so i feel this is a better solution.

People really praise RE4's inventory system as being its own 'puzzle' but i feel the praise was given because it was such a new concept. In reality, the inventory sorting system forces you to break continuity from whatever action is happening just to complete a small puzzle. I want to avoid that break as much as possible, so i want to streamline the inventory sorting so all you have to do is drag, drop and shoot and then move on to the next unit

i guess mugen is allowed now. making the megathread was a bad idea

currently working on these for a character and like i posted in the megathread im working on cuphead stuff but who cares about that

Without OffizerZach now, it seems like this thread has got back to flourish again :D

forget kinda name is eldug

What do u guys think about this?

Something interesting im working on.

A while ago i found out about Voxatron which is a fantasy console created by the same creator of pico8.

It's still alpha.

very cute

but maybe change the terrain to look more natural (give the river curves instead of a straight line, give the bridge support poles, vary the width and height of the trees, shape of bushes, etc.)

character-wise it's quite well done, enemies are visually distinct and color coded, good job

i started designing ai. i have a very simple and somewhat efficient queue system where all actions are queued on the enemy units and also on their team so i can dynamically control the order and delay each one is executed at.

zombies are the green dudes. they move on their own, targeting the closest player. they have 4 movement distance

(the number inside the units is their health. the attack does 2 damage so every attack lowers the unit health by 2)

here's a behavior sheet i made beforehand to help guide the decision process. it also basically sumarizes what it does n stuff

'rigor mortis attack' is a planned attack that basically reduces an enemy's movement speed for a turn, and it stacks on top of each other. the ai has a condition where if there's nearby zombies they'll use rigor mortis more often, meaning that a zombie can run up and rigor mortis your unit, and now you'll be slower so outrunning the other zombie units will be hard or next to impossible.

this system allows the zombies to function as their own melee unit as well as a 'strength in numbers' unit that can basically overwhelm people when spawned more frequently. given the right conditions and the stufftiest amount of luck, 4 zombies can basically immobilize your unit for the next turn

« Last Edit: May 14, 2018, 09:07:20 PM by thegoodperry »

im basically a god at aesthetics so

i want to get a better understanding of finite state machines so im working on a little break project just to explore it a bit

i call it "MECHA FIST"
ill have more information once i get more stuff done with it ;)
« Last Edit: May 16, 2018, 03:22:43 PM by thegoodperry »

mecha fist has evolved into reality fist

officer Zach would be proud

Bump because forum change has me nervous