Author Topic: Computer memory problems.  (Read 2169 times)

Hi guys, I just installed a 4GB memory stick into my Acer Aspire Timeline X 4830TG. The original stick was a Kingston 4GB and I just got a PNY 4GB stick that supports 1333MHz and 1066MHz. My notebook handles DDR3.

Well, after installing it, my computer reboots after I turn it on and freezes. Nothing happens. I can't do anything. Yes, I installed it correctly and it fit into the socket. I tried the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool and there were no problems. I booted into safe mode, rebooted and got into Windows but 10 minutes later, my computer rebooted.

Please help me. I'll post some pictures later.

diagnostics cannot determine if their is a bad RAM stick

diagnostics cannot determine if their is a bad RAM stick

Damnit, I just bought it from Best Buy! Is there any way to tell if it's a bad stick?

you bought it from best buy.

do you still have the other one? does it work?

you bought it from best buy.

do you still have the other one? does it work?
The original one still works.
Actually, I was doing that right now.

well obviously memtest will tell you, but if you dont want to wait for an hour, you could pop in the other one and see if the same problem occurs

well obviously memtest will tell you, but if you dont want to wait for an hour, you could pop in the other one and see if the same problem occurs
Don't care. I'll wait.

Test came back negative, computer seems to be fine now. Huh.

Just ignore it until your computer crashes in a couple of weeks.

Did you install it beside your other 4GB so you now have 8GB or just installed the new one only?