
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 162076 times)

I've kinda stopped playing ranked idk why
I play like one per week now :/

Won my first provisional yesterday(sorta carried by a gold and two silvers), but I see why people hate ranked now. We had a guy feed top lane and then went AFK because "not enough ganks". I do appreciate that people actually ward stuff tho(except the afk guy).

Won my first provisional yesterday(sorta carried by a gold and two silvers), but I see why people hate ranked now. We had a guy feed top lane and then went AFK because "not enough ganks". I do appreciate that people actually ward stuff tho(except the afk guy).
Ranked isn't bad, people just get salty about hitting a plateau in their climb. Ranked is fun 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time is when there's an afk on either team, but that doesn't happen all that much. Ranked is pretty easy once you get past the anxiety of it.

so kassadin got gutted a few patches ago right?

i just bought him yesterday and he's loads of fun

Merc Scimitar is really underrated, its also super good on Tryn

Merc Scimitar is really underrated, its also super good on Tryn
not really underrated just situational

can I b in op

Level 7 - Novaur - Main champ: Teemo

You can add me to op:

Level 30, Gold 3 Highest Rank; UrbaNzNinja
Main Champ: Cassiopeia

add me

Lvl 30 - Renousim - Not ranked, and my main is Udyr

add me

Lvl 30 - Renousim - Not ranked, and my main is Udyr
I added you a few days ago but you didn't accept it :(

so i got around playing the placements, silver iv baybeeeh

An idea would be to change the op from showing level to rank instead. And if you're not level 30 it says that.. Instead of just saying that practically everyone is level 30.

add me

Lvl 30 - Renousim - Not ranked, and my main is Udyr

DocReverb - Level 30(unranked atm)
Main: Garen (funnily enough, you can carry games with him)