Author Topic: Why Prodigy will stop trickshotting  (Read 4510 times)

     So it seems that one of the reasons people dislike the Prodigy clan is because of the whole trick shot aspect of it. That is not by any means why I am not going to press trick shots into the clan. I am going to stop doing it because in the clan, it was easier to get people to do amazing with a sniper. All of the people in the Prodigy Clan are good snipers, but some of them are not good trickshotters. So, will Prodigy members still do trickshots? I am not going to say yes or no, but I will say it is up to that member's own choice.

you didn't have to make another thread just to announce that you are shutting down your clan

you didn't have to make another thread just to announce that you are shutting down your clan
We're not shutting down..... we are simply removing a part of our clan.

We're not shutting down..... we are simply removing a part of our clan.
yeah ok but this thread is still unnecessary

no, we don't like you because you guys cause problems everywhere and are annoying.

no, we don't like you because you guys cause problems everywhere and are annoying.

no, we don't like you because you guys cause problems everywhere and are annoying.
Something i am fishy about with prodigy is that most of the members do trolling.

I don't think the trickshotting was the problem

did these guys crash a server or something? I feel like that was mentioned somewhere.

did these guys crash a server or something? I feel like that was mentioned somewhere.
I wouldn't be surprised if they just did it with bot spam.

I don't get what you even mean by trick shotting unless u use the rocket l or the sniper rifle which I've never seen you use neither

Good, because you cannot 360 no boat whammy shammy dammy

I'm in prodigy and I don't troll wtf

After a little bit of research, I have decided to quit the clan.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 10:01:28 PM by mcloler »

I'm in prodigy and I don't troll wtf

After a little bit of research, I have decided to quit the clan.
A smart decision.