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Messages - acj2001

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5
General Discussion / Re: ideas for how to continue on with boss battles?
« on: November 10, 2017, 11:52:10 AM »
I can't come up with anything that isn't just an addition to the old formula.

Maybe an entirely new gamemode in the same style?
(my ideas tend to be terrible)

Off Topic / Re: How to break Siri
« on: April 27, 2015, 07:05:56 PM »
not big enough
what you need is Graham's number times Graham's number

the number itself is easier to explain than to even represent
WolframAlpha just told me how many people in the world are named Graham. I'm sure Siri will just do a random google search.

Off Topic / Re: How to break Siri
« on: April 27, 2015, 06:59:22 PM »
You should have asked siri what googolplex multiplyed by googolplex is
It has a less exciting output, and only summarizes it without writing the whole answer:

Off Topic / How to break Siri
« on: April 27, 2015, 06:55:23 PM »
I probably don't need to go into detail. Just say this to her:

"What is 99 centillion times 99 centillion?"

Siri recognizes the word, but she should mishear it. Edit it if you can. Be patient, her voice will eventually change.

If you want me to go into detail...

One centillion is a number, which is equal to either 10303 or 10600, depending on the system used."
Source: Wikipedia

If you didn't know already, Siri uses WolframAlpha for most (if not all) asked calculations. WolframAlpha also has a website, so you may find what it looks like here:
If you do not trust the offsite link, this is the result:

Anyway, after saying the input to Siri, she should be silent for a bit, and then randomly start blurting out zeros. (It may just be my device, it's an iPhone 5) Her voice will change abruptly. I don't know if it's supposed to be the male version of Siri or a calculation error, but that's how to break Siri.
Apple listens to our conversations with Siri

Add-Ons / Re: Gothboy's Mod Folder
« on: April 20, 2015, 11:47:51 PM »
All of these add-ons are awesome. I hope you'll make more soon.

Add-Ons / Re: Gothboy's Mod Folder
« on: April 16, 2015, 11:47:07 PM »
You probably have an old add-on that was failed by RTB and that's why it won't execute the add-on. Renaming the add-on usually works but in this case we do not know which add-on is causing it.
Post your console.log please.
I'll send via personal message. It's filled with strings from that infinite loop, and I don't want to spam up the chat.

Add-Ons / Re: Gothboy's Mod Folder
« on: April 16, 2015, 09:09:22 PM »
Still doesn't work. I deleted both RTB folders in both directories, and avatarColors.cs. I don't want to delete all of my preferences.

Add-Ons / Re: Gothboy's Mod Folder
« on: April 16, 2015, 05:49:12 PM »
I have a problem:

It happened after I installed GRTB. It is in an infinite loop of "No description.txt for this add-on - will not execute"

I tried re-installing. Please help!

Help / How do I make auto admins/super admins after Blockland V21?
« on: July 11, 2014, 06:52:31 PM »
After v21 was implemented, several buttons replaced the RTB buttons. Now I can't make people auto-admin/super admin. (or make people super admin manually). Is there any solution, like a mod, to this problem?

General Discussion / Re: My Opinion in V21
« on: June 27, 2012, 11:29:03 PM »
Oh my god, I'm an idiot >_> Idiotic topic made by me once again. Sorry about this :\

General Discussion / My Opinion in V21
« on: June 27, 2012, 03:25:13 PM »
In my opinion for V21, it is horrible. If terrain will disappear, then all my slopes saves will go to waste. (I actually only have 4) But the shadows and day & night cycle is amazing. Although the D&N cycle is similar to the LUA script you can make on Roblox. And about the shadows, don't vehicles and players already have shadows? I know your talking about Brick Shadows & Shaders, but maybe you can allow V21 be downloadable and stay in V20. Only V20 servers cannot be played by V21 players. And are you sure you can make the shadows & shaders work on bricks? What if an explosion happens and the shadow stays the same? Leave your opinion in the poll above.

General Discussion / Console Command List (Please suggest.)
« on: May 02, 2012, 12:41:22 PM »
Pref commands

$pref::Audio::channelVolume1 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume2 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume3 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume4 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume5 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume6 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume7 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume8 = 1;
$pref::Audio::driver = "OpenAL";
$pref::Audio::environmentEnabled = 0;
$pref::Audio::forceMaxDistanceUpdate = 0;
$pref::Audio::masterVolume = "1";
$Pref::Audio::MenuSounds = 1;
$Pref::Audio::PlantErrorSound = 0;
$Pref::Audio::PlayBrickMoveSound = "1";
$Pref::Audio::PlayBrickPlantSound = "1";
$Pref::Audio::PlayMusic = 1;
$pref::autoVisibleDistance = "1";
$pref::Avatar::Accent = "0";
$pref::Avatar::AccentColor = "0.901961 0.341176 0.0784314 1";
$pref::Avatar::Authentic = "0";
$Pref::Avatar::Chest = "0";
$pref::Avatar::ChestColor = "7";
$pref::Avatar::DecalColor = "55";
$Pref::Avatar::DecalName = "Add-Ons/Decal_Jirue/DrKleiner.png";
$pref::Avatar::FaceColor = "47";
$Pref::Avatar::FaceName = "Add-Ons/Face_Default/smileyBlonde.png";
$pref::Avatar::Hat = "7";
$pref::Avatar::HatColor = "0.900 0.900 0.900 1.000";
$pref::Avatar::HeadColor = "1 0.878431 0.611765 1";
$Pref::Avatar::Hip = "0";
$pref::Avatar::HipColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$Pref::Avatar::LArm = "0";
$pref::Avatar::LArmColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$Pref::Avatar::LHand = "0";
$pref::Avatar::LHandColor = "1 0.878431 0.611765 1";
$Pref::Avatar::LLeg = "0";
$pref::Avatar::LLegColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$pref::Avatar::Pack = "0";
$pref::Avatar::PackColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$Pref::Avatar::RArm = "0";
$pref::Avatar::RArmColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$Pref::Avatar::RHand = "0";
$pref::Avatar::RHandColor = "1 0.878431 0.611765 1";
$Pref::Avatar::RLeg = "0";
$pref::Avatar::RLegColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$Pref::Avatar::SecondPack = "0";
$pref::Avatar::SecondPackColor = "0 1 0 1";
$pref::Avatar::Symmetry = "";
$pref::Avatar::TorsoColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$pref::botdetect::blocktime = "5";
$pref::botdetect::enabled = "1";
$pref::botdetect::limit = "800";
$pref::botdetect::timeout = "5000";
$Pref::BrickFX::Color = "1";
$Pref::BrickFX::Shape = "1";
$pref::BrickFXQuality = 0;
$Pref::Chat::CacheLines = 1000;
$pref::Chat::ChatBufferSize = "200.000000";
$pref::Chat::ChatRepeat = 0;
$Pref::Chat::CurseFilter = 1;
$Pref::Chat::CurseList = "bitch";
$Pref::Chat::FontSize = 14;
$Pref::Chat::LineTime = "6500";
$Pref::Chat::MaxDisplayLines = "8";
$Pref::Chat::ShowAllLines = 1;
$pref::ChatHudLength = 1;
$pref::client::lastUpnpError = 0;
$pref::Client::lastVCEManualCache = "4";
$Pref::Client::ShownVCEManual = 1;
$Pref::Client::ShowVCEHandshake = 0;
$pref::CloudOutline = "0";
$pref::CloudsOn = "1";
$pref::Debug::ShowFXGrassMessages = 0;
$pref::Debug::ShowShapeMessages = 0;
$pref::Debug::ShowStringMessages = 0;
$pref::Decal::decalTimeout = "5000";
$pref::Decal::maxNumDecals = "256";
$pref::decalsOn = "1";
$pref::dofSamples = 64;
$Pref::Duplicator::AdminOnly = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::Item = "1";
$Pref::Duplicator::MaxBricks::Admin = "50000";
$Pref::Duplicator::MaxBricks::NonAdmin = "10000";
$Pref::Duplicator::RotateSpecial = "1";
$Pref::Duplicator::SaveLoad = "1";
$Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutA::Admin = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutA::NonAdmin = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutB::Admin = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutB::NonAdmin = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutC::Admin = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutC::NonAdmin = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::TooFar = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::Trust = "2";
$Pref::Duplicator::UndoMode = "2";
$pref::Editor::visibleDistance = "5";
$pref::environmentMaps = "1";
$Pref::Filter::CurrentVersion = "0";
$Pref::Filter::Dedicated = "0";
$Pref::Filter::LinuxServer = 0;
$pref::Filter::maxPing = "999";
$pref::Filter::minCpu = "100";
$pref::Filter::minPlayers = "0";
$Pref::Filter::NoPassword = "0";
$Pref::Filter::NotEmpty = "0";
$Pref::Filter::NotFull = "0";
$Pref::Filter::TeamDamageOff = 0;
$Pref::Filter::TeamDamageOn = 0;
$pref::Grass::replicationRatio = "1";
$pref::Gui::AutoQueryMasterServer = "1";
$Pref::Gui::ChatSize = "4";
$Pref::Gui::ColorEscapeMenu = "1";
$Pref::Gui::IgnoreFastLoadWarning = "0";
$Pref::Gui::IgnorePortForwardWarning = "0";
$Pref::Gui::IgnoreRemoteSaveWarning = "1";
$pref::Gui::ShowBrickSlotNumbers = "1";
$Pref::Gui::ShowDemosButton = 0;
$Pref::Gui::ShowPlayerListBLIDs = "1";
$pref::HUD::HideBrickBox = "1";
$pref::HUD::HidePaintBox = "1";
$pref::HUD::HideToolBox = "1";
$pref::Hud::RecolorBrickIcons = 1;
$pref::HUD::showToolTips = "1";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickFlashoffset = "0.3";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickFlashRange = "0.3";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickFlashTime = "800";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickInsideBlue = "0";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickInsideGreen = "0";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickInsideRed = "0";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickInsideUsePaintColor = 0;
$pref::HUD::tempBrickOutsideBlue = "1";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickOutsideGreen = "1";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickOutsideRed = "1";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickOutsideUsePaintColor = 1;
$pref::HudMessageLogSize = 40;
$pref::Input::AutoLight = "1";
$Pref::Input::DefaultKeyboard = 0;
$pref::Input::FastFirstThirdPerson = "0";
$pref::Input::JoystickEnabled = "0";
$pref::Input::KeyboardEnabled = "1";
$pref::Input::KeyboardTurnSpeed = "0.5";
$pref::Input::LinkMouseSensitivity = 1;
$pref::Input::MacroRate = 110;
$pref::Input::MouseEnabled = "0";
$pref::Input::MouseInvert = "0";
$pref::Input::MouseSensitivity = "0.75";
$pref::Input::noobjet = "0";
$pref::Input::QueueBrickBuying = "1";
$pref::Input::ReverseBrickScroll = "0";
$Pref::Input::SelectedDefaults = 1;
$pref::Input::UseAutoReturnSteering = "1";
$pref::Input::UseStrafeSteering = "1";
$pref::Input::UseSuperShiftSmartToggle = "1";
$pref::Input::UseSuperShiftToggle = "1";
$Pref::Input::VehicleMouseInvert = "1";
$pref::Interior::detailAdjust = "1";
$pref::Interior::DynamicLights = "1";
$pref::Interior::LightUpdatePeriod = "66";
$pref::Interior::lockArrays = "1";
$pref::interior::showdetailmaps = 0;
$pref::Interior::ShowEnvironmentMaps = "0";
$pref::Interior::TexDetail = "0";
$pref::Interior::TexturedFog = "1";
$pref::Interior::VertexLighting = "0";
$pref::LightingQuality = 1;
$pref::LoadBrickOwnership = "1";
$Pref::Logic_Bricks::ShowGateTips = "1";
$Pref::Logic_Bricks::ShowWireTips = "1";
$Pref::Music::CheckRate = 500;
$Pref::Music::Favs::Count = 0;
$Pref::Net::ConnectionType = "4";
$Pref::Net::DisableUPnP = "0";
$Pref::Net::DownloadDebris = 0;
$Pref::Net::DownloadExplosions = 0;
$Pref::Net::DownloadItems = 0;
$Pref::Net::DownloadMusic = "1";
$Pref::Net::DownloadProjectiles = 0;
$Pref::Net::DownloadSounds = "1";
$Pref::Net::DownloadTextures = "1";
$Pref::Net::LagThreshold = "400";
$Pref::Net::MaxSimultaneousPings = 10;
$pref::Net::PacketRateToClient = "32";
$pref::Net::PacketRateToServer = "32";
$pref::Net::PacketSize = "1023";
$Pref::Net::ServerType = "Internet";
$pref::NumCloudLayers = "3";
$pref::OpenGL::allowCompression = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::allowTexGen = "1";
$pref::OpenGL::anisotropy = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableARBMultitexture = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableARBTextureCompression = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableEXTCompiledVertexArray = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableEXTFogCoord = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableEXTPalettedTexture = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableEXTTexEnvCombine = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableSubImage = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::doAnimatedLights = "1";
$pref::OpenGL::force16BitTexture = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::forcePalettedTexture = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::gammaCorrection = "0.5";
$pref::OpenGL::interiorMipReduction = 50;
$pref::OpenGL::maxDynLights = "5";
$pref::OpenGL::maxHardwareLights = "8";
$pref::OpenGL::noDrawArraysAlpha = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::noEnvColor = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::noVertexBufferObjects = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::numFSAASamples = 16;
$pref::OpenGL::skyTexDetail = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::texDetail = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::textureAnisotropy = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::textureTrilinear = "1";
$pref::OpenGL::useGLNearest = "0";
$pref::ParticleDetail = "1";
$pref::ParticleFalloffMaxLevel = "3";
$pref::ParticleFalloffMinDistance = "35";
$pref::ParticleQuality = "0";
$pref::Physics::Enabled = 1;
$pref::Physics::MaxBricks = 100;
$pref::PhysicsQuality = 1;
$Pref::Player::ClanPrefix = "";
$Pref::Player::ClanSuffix = "";
$Pref::player::CurrentFOV = 5;
$pref::Player::defaultFov = 90;
$pref::Player::LANName = "Allen";
$pref::Player::NetName = "Skyrim";
$pref::Player::renderMyItems = "1";
$pref::Player::renderMyJets = "0";
$pref::Player::renderMyPlayer = "1";
$pref::Player::Symmetry = "1";
$pref::Player::zoomSpeed = 5;
$pref::precipitationOn = "1";
$pref::SaveExtendedBrickInfo = 1;
$pref::SaveOwnership = 1;
$pref::sceneLighting::cacheLighting = 1;
$pref::sceneLighting::cacheSize = 20000;
$pref::sceneLighting::purgeMethod = "lastCreated";
$pref::sceneLighting::terrainGenerateLevel = 1;
$pref::screenshotNumber = 36;
$Pref::ScriptVersion = "20";
$pref::ShadowQuality = "0";
$pref::ShadowResolution = "0";
$pref::shadows = 1;
$pref::SkyOn = "1";
$pref::Terrain::dynamicLights = "1";
$pref::Terrain::enableDetails = "1";
$pref::Terrain::enableEmbossBumps = "1";
$pref::Terrain::screenError = "5";
$pref::Terrain::texDetail = "0";
$pref::Terrain::textureCacheSize = "220";
$pref::TextureQuality = "0";
$pref::TS::autoDetail = "1";
$pref::TS::detailAdjust = "1";
$pref::TS::fogTexture = "0";
$pref::TS::screenError = "0.001";
$pref::TS::skipFirstFog = "0";
$pref::TS::skipLoadDLs = "0";
$pref::TS::skipRenderDLs = "0";
$pref::TS::UseTriangles = "0";
$pref::Video::allowD3D = "1";
$pref::Video::allowOpenGL = "1";
$pref::Video::appliedPref = "1";
$pref::Video::clipHigh = "0";
$pref::Video::defaultsRenderer = "GeForce 8400GS/PCIe/SSE2";
$pref::Video::defaultsVendor = "NVIDIA Corporation";
$pref::Video::deleteContext = "1";
$pref::Video::disableVerticalSync = "1";
$pref::Video::displayDevice = "OpenGL";
$pref::Video::fullScreen = "0";
$pref::Video::monitorNum = 0;
$pref::Video::only16 = "0";
$pref::Video::preferOpenGL = "1";
$pref::Video::profiledRenderer = "GeForce 8400GS/PCIe/SSE2";
$pref::Video::profiledVendor = "NVIDIA Corporation";
$pref::Video::resolution = "800 600 32 60";
$pref::Video::safeModeOn = "1";
$pref::Video::screenShotFormat = "JPG";
$pref::Video::useSmallPlantErrors = "0";
$pref::Video::windowedRes = "800 600";
$pref::visibleDistanceMax = "1000";
$pref::visibleDistanceMod = "1";
$pref::Zombies::Difficulty = 1;
$pref::Zombies::DirectorTick = 8;

WARNING!!! Extremely dangerous below.
revoke(); - The worse of them all. Revokes the typer's key.
deletedatablocks(); - Deletes datablocks. Don't test.
crash(); - Crashes game.
quit(); - Alike crash, but does not crash the game. Instead, it just quits with no hassles.
End of extremely dangerous commands.
talk(text); - Allows you to talk as console.
announce(text); - Makes a yellow text appear in the chat bar without it showing anyone saying it.

Help / Re: Return To Blockland wont install
« on: May 02, 2012, 12:03:50 PM »
It requires a certain computer for a different file.

Windows Vista
Local Disk

Windows XP
My Documents

Windows 7
OS Drive/Local Disk
Cannot edit. Anyway, if it still does not work, try the following quotes...
RTB 4.0+ doesn't modify the main menu layout. Press SHIFT+TAB to open the RTB menu.
You put it in the add-ons folder, right?

Help / Re: Return To Blockland wont install
« on: May 02, 2012, 12:02:38 PM »
It requires a certain computer for a different file.

Windows Vista
Local Disk

Windows XP
My Documents

Windows 7
OS Drive/Local Disk

Gallery / Re: Mini New Blockland Screenshots
« on: April 27, 2012, 11:59:55 PM »

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5