Author Topic: Super Creeper - Fixed  (Read 65555 times)

You put them in addons right?
Cause I did and still won't do anything

Code: [Select]
ERROR: SC_LoadLevel( Add-Ons/SuperCreeper_Lab/save.bls ) - default minigame does
 not exist
BackTrace: ->serverCmdSetLevel->SC_NextLevel->SC_LoadLevel_Phase1
It does this in the console, idk why it doesn't detect them.
I put them in addons for sure, I even searched.

Man I wanna play this so much :c
You need Slayer. Probably should have mentioned that in the OP.

What commands can I use?

EDIT: Why is the creeper red?

ANOTHER EDIT: /shop won't work
« Last Edit: March 26, 2014, 04:10:51 PM by Mr Queeba »

What commands can I use?

EDIT: Why is the creeper red?

ANOTHER EDIT: /shop won't work
- Read the OP.
- Read the OP.
- Read the OP.

What can I use for the spawn?

When I download the add-on, it says I require RTB. I don't have RTB, and from what I've seen I have no way of getting it. Am I just really ignorant, or is there really no way for me to get RTB and thus never play creeper locally?

« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 02:20:56 PM by chrisbot6 »

This is cool and I like it a lot. Needs better maps that aren't entirely indoors though.

i put the map zips in add-ons but when ever i try to load a level it says this in the concol ERROR: SC_Loadlevel ( Add-Ons/SupperCreeper_Super_Reactor/save.bls ) - defult minigame dose not exist    and then it shows a bck trace. plz help  :panda:
« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 10:59:49 AM by Dragoncraft22 »

i put the map zips in add-ons but when ever i try to load a level it says this in the concol ERROR: SC_Loadlevel ( Add-Ons/SupperCreeper_Super_Reactor/save.bls ) - defult minigame dose not exist    and then it shows a bck trace. plz help  :panda:
Slayer is needed. Apologies for the lack of forewarning about this.

Lol it look's like I Catch It, I Spray it, I Kill It

Lol it look's like I Catch It, I Spray it, I Kill It
Well that's what the can says, your point?

Well that's what the can says, your point?
nah, it says | Catch It | Spray it | Kill It |

like seperators, not like I