Author Topic: Projectile Piercing  (Read 921 times)

I didn't really feel like releasing this as an add-on, so here it is if you want to use it for your own purposes.

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package WeaponPiercing
function ProjectileData::onCollision(%data, %proj, %col, %one, %hitPos, %hitNorm, %hitVel)
Parent::onCollision(%data, %proj, %col, %one, %hitPos, %hitNorm, %hitVel);
if(isObject(%exp = %data.explosion) && %exp.damageRadius != 0) return;
if(%col.getType() & $Typemasks::PlayerObjectType) return;
if(%col.getName() $= "GroundPlane") return;
%normVel = vectorNormalize(%hitVel);
%box = %col.getWorldBox();
//Run through each of the three axes - east, north, and up.
//Get the speed of the projectile on the current axis
%value = getWord(%hitVel, %i);
//The projectile isn't moving on this axis; it'll never exit this way.
if(%value == 0) { %len[%i] = 999999; continue; }
//We're moving in the negative direction; get the lower box coordinate
else if(%value < 0) %exit = getWord(%box, %i);
//If neither of the above are true, we must be moving in the positive direction
else %exit = getWord(%box, %i + 3);
//Get the distance to travel on the current axis,
%dist = %exit - getWord(%hitPos, %i);
//and do some math to turn that into the overall distance.
%len[%i] = vectorLen(vectorScale(%normVel, %dist / getWord(%normVel, %i)));
%exitLen = getMin(getMin(%len0, %len1), %len2);
%exitPos = vectorAdd(%hitPos, vectorScale(vectorNormalize(%hitVel), %exitLen));
if((%pierce = %data.maxPierceDepth) $= "") %pierce = %data.directDamage * %data.muzzleVelocity / 5000;
if(%proj.piercedDist + %exitLen < %pierce)
%data.schedule((%exitLen / vectorLen(%hitVel)) * 1000, "spawnPiercingProjectile", %proj.client, %exitPos, %hitVel, %proj.piercedDist + %exitLen);
if(isObject(%data.stickExplosion)) %proj.delete();

function ProjectileData::spawnPiercingProjectile(%data, %cl, %pos, %vel, %piercedDist)
%newProj = new Projectile()
client = %cl;
datablock = %data;
initialPosition = %pos;
initialVelocity = %vel;
piercedDist = %piercedDist;

you know that you can already do this in-engine right

like, the spiral missile does it, for one

I don't know what the "spiral missile" is, and if it can be done without mods, please give an example; I haven't seen any weapons with projectiles that pierce through objects.

the "armingdelay" field on a projectile determines when that projectile is ready to explode. if you set it to a number that isn't 0, the projectile won't collide with walls and will just fly through them (it should be noted that onCollision is still called) until the arming delay time is passed

Wow, i did not actually know that. :O
I feel silly.

the "armingdelay" field on a projectile determines when that projectile is ready to explode. if you set it to a number that isn't 0, the projectile won't collide with walls and will just fly through them (it should be noted that onCollision is still called) until the arming delay time is passed
i haven't checked this in a long while, but from my experiences this method isn't very useful, as projectiles would change direction on their way through anything they collided