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Messages - Gandalf

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6
Off Topic / Re: the google pixel 2 won't have a headphone jack
« on: September 16, 2017, 12:18:33 PM »
implying murderous cop was ever a person....................... .......


Off Topic / Re: the google pixel 2 won't have a headphone jack
« on: September 16, 2017, 12:17:25 PM »
i don't think anyone here but me mentioned HTC, and i meant to say i'd rather go for an HTC 10. this is clearly news to me, so
Nope, someone else did too.
i almost had faith in this
forget it, htcs are going to be my next phone

Off Topic / Re: the google pixel 2 won't have a headphone jack
« on: September 16, 2017, 12:06:17 PM »
Here's an interesting article by Android Authority on this.

Quote from: Android Authority
Ever since Apple purchased a majority stake in Beats Audio for $3.2 billion in 2015, they’ve earned nearly half of all money spent buying Bluetooth headphones. When Apple kills headphone jacks on their products, they’re simultaneously trying to lock people into their own ecosystem, and increase demand for other high-margin products they peddle. On top of that, a smartphone without the headphone jack means Bluetooth headphones will be a major cash cow simply because the vast majority of listeners do not currently own Bluetooth headphones. It’s a smart business plan—but a giant middle finger to consumers, who now have to spend hundreds of dollars fixing a problem that didn’t exist until some literal Monopoly men in Cupertino decided it needed to be one.

What baffles me is why Android manufactures are falling for this. They're giving Apple more money or saying they want to give Apple more money by ditching the headphone jack. That, and aside from diehard Apple fanboys, I have yet to meet or talk with anyone that actually supports the removal of the headphone jack. There are some people who are like "meh, I don't care." But almost no one actually wants this.

This honestly pisses me off a lot. As much as I like the idea of the new Pixels or the new iPhone (shocker, I like both!), I simply can't in good faith buy a phone without a headphone jack. That would be me saying that what they're doing is OK.

Also, to those of you saying you're gonna buy an HTC... You do realize that HTC's three high-end phones right now have no headphone jack, right? The HTC Bolt, the HTC U Ultra, and the HTC U11 all suffer from this same issue, so...

I am Gandalf, and Gandalf means... Me!

You shall not pass!


Ba-ba-biddly-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba

He'll slip and slide on this banana peel!

Throw it on him, not me!

Ha ha ha Now look at this net, that I have found!

We're Number One! Hey!

Be careful not to make a sound

My staff.

Off Topic / Re: "y" is pronounced "wai"
« on: April 10, 2016, 10:52:27 PM »
im secretly the balrog nerdo
Mmm, well I destroyed a Balrog once, so I'll do it again.

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