Author Topic: [Event] Change vehicle tires and springs  (Read 5818 times)

Have fun guys, this finds all the datablocks of springs and tires on your server and you can set them as you wish on almost any vehicle (as long as it is not a bot) - unfortunately if you enable more/less vehicles they might goof up if you intend to save the bricks. Some vehicles may not get tires, such as the magic carpet.


(There's also events on the Vehicle output too)
The second parameter is for setting the tire to a specific slot from 0 to the max tire count (minus 1), leave it -1 for setting all tires to that data

Changing tires to jeep style

Changing springs to skis

This event only reflects that vehicle, does not mess with other vehicles.

Note: You can also ride and add tires to vehicles that do not have tires! (It sets 4 tires on it with 1 mount)
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 11:44:08 PM by Kyuande »

Can't you already do this and more with vehicle events?

you can thank me for suggesting this guys

I see a lot of potential for this actually, all we need is a collection of wheels with different attributes.

Can't you already do this and more with vehicle events?
These are not included in the standard vehicle events.

I see a lot of potential for this actually, all we need is a collection of wheels with different attributes.
monster truck wheels on everything