Author Topic: Pecon writes a forum system (New bbcode parser, finally!)  (Read 4207 times)

For those not acquainted with this project, a little over a year and a half ago I wrote a forum for the boss battles website. A while ago I decided to take that forum and create a more standard forum system from it. I'm pretty bad with naming, so I initially named it REforum; but I've since settled on Agora as the permanent name for the system. I guess the basic overall mission is to make a simple forum system that focuses on being lightweight for both the client and server, and having an especially small data footprint.

The most recent update was a complete rewrite of the bbcode parser, making it much more reliable.

Current development goals:

 - More structured method of constructing pages, for a more consistent experience done
 - More site-wide settings, especially ones that let the administrator brand the site/community. done
 - BBcode interpreter overhaul done
 - Change the name of this forum already. done
 - Private messages
 - Multiple boards
 - Search feature
 - Installable themes / add-on system?
 - Automatic updates?

If you would like to help, the most needed things right now would be:
 - A new default banner graphic representing the new system name, Agora.
 - A default favicon.
 - A background image/texture, maybe.
 - You may also make a pull request if you would like to contribute code changes.

Keep in mind that if you wish to contribute, you cannot use any copywritten materials. So for example if you made a banner graphic, it can't feature any image or photo that isn't original work or in the public domain. Some good sources of public domain images can be found at creative commons, nasa, or a few other select places that produce content exclusively for public domain use.

Preview of how stuff maybe kinda looks right now:

If you want to try it out, you can find a link to where I'm hosting it on the github page. Not gonna risk linking directly to it.

Special thanks so far to:
Insert Name Here - Created banner graphic
Eon - Created default avatar graphic (also rip)

This is a repost since the original topic is too old.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2017, 05:32:25 PM by Pecon »

you should just call it Reforum, which is a nice name and sounds (reads?) like "reform" or "referendum" instead of "REEEEEEE forum"

making a topic doesn't have any sort of OP

making a topic doesn't have any sort of OP
Sorry, I was in the middle of tackling a posting bug when you posted. I've cleaned up the broken topics.

The forum is mainly just me alone at the moment :(

you should just call it Reforum, which is a nice name and sounds (reads?) like "reform" or "referendum" instead of "REEEEEEE forum"
Yeah, that seems like a pretty good idea.

Right now there's only one place where all threads are, and it looks very bare-bones. The latter is reasonable since this is still ongoing but there gotta be subforums at some point.

Besides that, I support this! Keep going!

I named rechan. Pecon reused the name.!


oddly fitting for blf

Update, just released v1.4 which is basically just a huge collection of tiny bug fixes and small adjustments.

Edit: I also added some more bullet points to the development goals list, for those interested in maybe having input on the direction I take development.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2017, 09:54:48 AM by Pecon »

mmm yes
Mind PM'ing me the link you were sent via email? It'll help me see what's wrong.