Author Topic: Half Life 2: Deathmatch *Update*  (Read 13286 times)

This is a build based off of something you might find in Half Life 2.  It's not replicating an actual level, it's just kind of going off of one, HL2: DM does the same thing with it's maps, it takes a normal map and modifies it.

Blockland Half Life 2 Deathmatch


^ Click on picture to download it for save file ^

Half Life 2 Deathmatch

Download Instructions
1.  Download both Picture and Save file.
2.  Open up Blockland/saves/slate
3.  Place both files in that folder.
4.  ???
5.  Profit.

Add-Ons List
Left 4 Block Zombie Mod by Rotondo
JVS Doors by Trader
Modified Lights by Altanore
Misc Lights by Stratofortress
Fan Prop by Bushido
Revolver by SolarFlare
Sawn-off Shotgun by Ephialtes
MP7 by Racer
Corner Bricks ported by killer_whale
Ceiling Print Bricks ported by killer_whale
x3 Height Bricks by Jirue
Extended Playsounds by Space Guy
Damage Flash by Space Guy
Emote by Space Guy
Add Item by Destiny
Zones by MeltingPlastic
Slate Sea in Slate Edits Pack by Ladios

You can either use the default colorset or my colorset (mine is just an extra two rows, I am pretty sure my DM doesn't utilize them at all.)  You can get my Paint pack on RTB here:
Jirue's Colorset

Things you should know
The Medkits and Items are activated when you click on them.  The Medkits lying around regenerate your health to 100 and when you click on Items you get them in your inventory.  If you don't like this idea then just break the invisible box around each item with a destructo wand.  The zombie mod that is required for this build isn't actually used in the build itself, but my DM does use the medkits that come with the zombie mod.  If you have a different medkit mod or item you would like to use, then just change the bricks that spawn medkits to spawn whatever item you have.  Also, if replacing the item, do not destroy the casing around the items that gives you a heal unless you would rather them pick up the item.

Recommended Minigame set-up
Here is what I use for the minigame set-up.
Download Links
No-jet No-regen health player by Iban X
Crowbar by Racer

For the luls
Here is a fan made video by someone named "pepsidudeOH"  Blockland Half Life 2 Deathmatch Server

Got more luls and fan made vids?  Post em here! :D

Please tell me if something isn't working, it most likely means I havn't included something in add-ons by mistake.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2009, 04:43:31 PM by jirue »

It's on tomorrow! (Hopefully)

It's on tomorrow! (Hopefully)
Oho!  I can't wait! >:D

Btw: You guys see that space man in the picture?  Look for him in the video, he is pretty funny to watch :3

you see him twice.

All I can say for improvement is, there are colors other than gray for a reason.

Yay i remember that !

Really good :D, I like your filming style

I played in that video. :)

Really great job!

Dang this is way better than mine. lol I am in your video! This was the server where evilmiffinZ and doorman were angry at me for being alive.


I saw me :D I love'd this thing. You should make another :D

Don't tell anyone, I don't need a bunch of cigarettes rocket spamming me while I dm :3


All I can say for improvement is, there are colors other than gray for a reason.
It's kind of a facility style thing.  Not suppose to be a happy rainbow.

Man, this is awesome! Any recommended minigame set-up?

Man, this is awesome! Any recommended minigame set-up?
sure, i will edit first post for the one I use.

Edit: picture of what I use for minigame.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2009, 05:42:00 PM by jirue »