Author Topic: Rescue The Princess (UPDATED) (old topic too old)  (Read 86517 times)

Rescue The Princess
There is a princess asleep in a tower!
Be the first to wake her and live happily ever after!

  • Tower climbing!
  • PVP action!
  • Fairy tale towers!
  • Bot enemies!

  • NEW - Map rotation
  • NEW - /setTower command to manually change tower
  • NEW - Fixed timer
  • Only default stuff used


Classic Tower
The original rescue the princess tower.

Download Child-safe (Same as usual but without questionable SFX on win)

Broken Tower
A smaller, harder to climb tower.

Download Child-safe

A demonstration of the components of the other two towers. Green bricks are named and blue bricks are evented. Reference for map builders.

Download Child-safe

Maps go in the addon folder. They work like speedkart tracks.

If you want to make your own map, it must be a .zip file called 'RTP_[Towername]' containing:

  • Credits- your name
  • Environment- the environment your tower should use.
  • Save- the tower .bls file. The build requires a 15 second delay gate when the minigame resets (The game subtracts 15 seconds from the winning time to allow for the 15 second intro period at the start). Everything else is up to you.

Use the existing towers for reference

Can someone give me a picture of this "Un-childsafe" ending?

Can someone give me a picture of this "Un-childsafe" ending?
It's only the sound effects removed. All you get to see is lovehearts outside the window in both cases. The "Un-childsafe" part is the sound effects, being impact1 repeated a few times ending in the pain sound effect.

It's only the sound effects removed. All you get to see is lovehearts outside the window in both cases. The "Un-childsafe" part is the sound effects, being impact1 repeated a few times ending in the pain sound effect.

It's only the sound effects removed. All you get to see is lovehearts outside the window in both cases. The "Un-childsafe" part is the sound effects, being impact1 repeated a few times ending in the pain sound effect.
its ok its just someone being ran over with PASSION

Lol this is great kobble.
Im hosting a server when i get home.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 08:03:00 AM by synthesispandabot »

It's only the sound effects removed. All you get to see is lovehearts outside the window in both cases. The "Un-childsafe" part is the sound effects, being impact1 repeated a few times ending in the pain sound effect.
You turned the princess into a jeep and teleported her into the side of a wall until torque vehicle physics kill her!?

I killed her and the thing broke and everything was deleted and she respawned and fell to her death LOL Now gimme a cookie :3  :cookieMonster:  :cookie:

LOL Now gimme a cookie :3  :cookieMonster:  :cookie:
Please don't do this sort of thing, it really isn't funny.

Wait what is the child safe?

Wait what is the child safe?
All you get to see is lovehearts outside the window [at the end]