Author Topic: The (*OFFICIAL!*) Future Corporation Topic: (V12 Already?!)  (Read 868 times)

"The ship is alive.."

What Is Future Corp?

Future Corp is a space cruise, based off the revolution of Left-4-Dead Noob's dreams.

Server Times
Servers are normally up and running on Weekdays at 4:00 PM EST American Time


Tour through the relaxing pictures of Future Corp V12!

A preview of the Dorm hallways in V12!

Holy Crap! Dorms are even COOLER!

Members Multi-Color! (More than 2 colors per room)

The roosterpit. ARM button to Arm missles, FIRE to bring up a Holographic Window.


Future Co. (Not Corp.) started out as a company on the surface of earth. It was based off of other future companies that Left-4-Dead Noob had visited. His dream was to build a remake of his old clan, but to make it better.
Future Company goes to space. Inspires further adjustment.
After a catastrophic disaster, (Losing the save file) Left-4-Dead Noob is inspired to build an All-Space one.
After some jackass got a hold of SA and deleted Future Corp, (Story HERE) Left banned him and moved on to the next idea.
Lasted a bit longer than the other ones, but then died due to Computer Failure.
Left-4-Dead Noob continues with Future Corp, but these stories were lost.
Version 10 lasted the longest. You would spawn in a containment chamber, where you would be scanned by "Death Wish," A former Future Co. employee. (Though he told everybody that was scanned that they had Ass Cancer...) Lost due to Computer Failure.
A grey blob. Abandoned from blandness.


Code: (Sign-Up) [Select]
Blockland Username*:
Blockland BL_ID*:
Steam Username:
Who thinks you would be a good admin?
Any particular reason you want to sign-up?
Admin on other servers?
(PM This To Me!)

This is not a Triple Post. First Post was shut-down due to me losing my account, and second post is a Modification Topic. (Its in gallery because its not an add-on so it does not belong in Add-on Modification) *Obvious Talk*

Modification Topic!
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 05:51:45 PM by PixelKid »

I see you used the Magneto text I requested a long while back. :D Glad to see people use it.

I see you used the Magneto text I requested a long while back. :D Glad to see people use it.
;D Luvin' it. But it confuses people sometimes.

Anybody have an idea where I can find the Server Status image? I need one. 

Anybody have an idea where I can find the Server Status image? I need one.  
No? Okay. Well the server is up now.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 01:57:31 PM by PixelKid »

(Sorry For Spam!)
I'm not very patient for feedback. Considering other posts get 9000 pages full of feedback and my pages always get 0 pages of feedback....

Other posts get good feedback because people like it. If nobody replies, don't push it.

Colorful but yet the hallways and rooms look bland and not space-like. I recommend you get Plant's advice.

Colorful but yet the hallways and rooms look bland and not space-like. I recommend you get Plant's advice.
I reccomend you mind  that it's only Sneak Peeks.

I started the server. Join now to see how its coming out.

I saw the build and I am keeping my opinion.

Making a nice racetrack... Join my server at 4:00 pm eastern american time to sign-up!
