Author Topic: Pixel Civilisation  (Read 5881 times)

Not to be a grammar national socialist but it's "Civilization"

EDIT: I will make one as soon as I get home, I'm at school currently.

Not to be a grammar national socialist but it's "Civilization"

EDIT: I will make one as soon as I get home, I'm at school currently.
Oh, I'll fix.
Grammar national socialist is not a bad thing.

When I said it was too small I meant like... TOO small
It needs to be zoomed in and stretched, not just stretched...

Oh, yeah, I suppose we enlarge the pic by 4 from now on?


- Two humans arrive
- one starts to fish
- The other starts to hunt
- it is now dawn
- the weather is normal
« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 05:42:10 PM by gun fun »

Not to be a grammar national socialist but it's "Civilization"


1.    the social process whereby societies achieve an advanced stage of development and organization
2.    a particular society at a particular time and place
3.    a society in an advanced state of social development
4.    the quality of excellence in thought and manners and taste;

-Two more people have arrived
 -Susan (Female)
 -Steve (Male)
-Nick and Steve begin construction on a house
-Susan plants a wheat and corn farm
-CC goes on an epic adventure two inches off of the map and discovers a new lake. A cave rests at the bottom with some dastardly looking eyes inside. He also believes to see an animal at the other side of the lake.
-Plans are being made by CC to construct a boat.
-Woman continues to fish
-Night approaches

EDIT: I now want to make an adventure thread using this concept in someway/shape/form.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 06:20:37 PM by NickTheSushi »

Gray's Gully

  • One outcast human arrives, his name is Gray on account of his light gray skin.
  • Gray attempts to tame a nearby deer.

  • Gray tames the beast.
  • Using his steed for faster transport Gray searches for food
  • Gray gathers fruit

« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 07:15:24 PM by Xoax »

Gray's Gully
Interesting idea for a start.

Unamed Civilisation
Population : 3
Weather : Clear
Health : Okay
Happiness : 3 (Woman 1+)

Some fish is eaten droping supplies of fish from 7 to 4

Joe builds another house.

Jim continues to fish.

Jose continues to collects wood.

One trees were choped down.

It is now day.

One fish rots, lowering supply from 4 to 3.

A scouting party of two tribesmen arrive, they are wearing purple and are awesome. Both immediately prepare for the construction of shelter by chopping down the trees.

The area is declared under the name "Osnw", after the diety in their particular religion.

Two people join and start to collect wood with their makeshift axes.


- Kenny fished all the night fishing.
- Benny continiues building the house. [2/3]
- The Quartempire suffers hunger.
  - Benny is starving.
  - Kenny is starving.

Current Resources
- None


Unless you built up your town.

Unless you built up your town.
Oh, ok. I'd like to establish my town :D