Author Topic: Remise (44896) Badmod doesn't realize he isn't host.  (Read 2408 times)

So I was playing around on the old BL and decided to join Aoki's server, after walking around for a minute or two I was killed by player (moderator) Remise. After respawning I got a gun and went and killed him, whilst I was shooting him he said he was paying dems, considering that that means to not jail him and that he didn't even have any money I killed him anyway.
To this I am instantly kicked, afterwards-

Copy of the rules, notice the "no jailing" and nothing else
After that he killed another civilian and I killed him again, and get kicked again.

Can't handle an argument, thinks anything he doesn't agree with is an insult.

"Disrespecting staff" funnily enough there is (surprise surprise) no rule about that either, not to mention that I had yet to say anything insulting or disrespectful. All of which added to the fact that he is only a mod and I literally saw Aoki say "who wants to mod" and give moderator to the first person (David#somenumbers#) that said yes, aka his "position" is nothing.
-kicked again-


He also kept going on about how he would "perma ban" me despite the fact that he can't do that, but you know, let the guy dream.

And then got not-so-permanently banned.
So basically he is a moderator with a power complex that cannot handle hearing that he is wrong without crying about being insulted and making up his own rules.
His other names and stuff too I guess.

This guy clearly can't handle the truth and really wishes he was the host.
I'll definitely make sure remise isn't a mod on my server. hah

His latest name is BLOCKLANDSUXROBLOXRULES. lmao

I guess hes just some butthurt and power-hungry child trying to make himself look cool. Those responses of his were absolutely painful to read.

This guy is obviously 10 years old or less.

This guy is obviously 10 years old or less.
are you implying you're not ~10 years old?


Well was he on a police brick when you shot him?

Well was he on a police brick when you shot him?

^ Important question. Rule 6 says something about not killing in pd or bank. If he was on his way to the pd or bank then its legal. But either way this guy is so silly. I don't even know why he would be a moderator. v.v  At least this gives me a forewarning.

what does "paying dems" mean?

what does "paying dems" mean?
in city rps it means that you're paying off bail, basically. you get dems for committing crimes and you pay your dems so cops cant arrest you.

oh and its a 1 min ban for breaking those rules (except for drug rules)

> "MLP" clan tag.
Banned him permanently from my server.