Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 603164 times)

i was perma-banned from Sugar's family rp 2015 by myst because i killed him/her on a different server
they held a grudge
god damnit
and i'll keep banning you because i don't want you causing trouble on other servers :)

and i'll keep banning you because i don't want you causing trouble on other servers :)
holy stuff wtf

and i'll keep banning you because i don't want you causing trouble on other servers :)
"you killed me on one server once and im gonna keep banning you because you obviously didnt learn from that and should be banned everywhere!"

and i'll keep banning you because i don't want you causing trouble on other servers :)
holy stuff wtf

and i'll keep banning you because i don't want you causing trouble on other servers :)

and i'll keep banning you because i don't want you causing trouble on other servers :)
is this satire?

and i'll keep banning you because i don't want you causing trouble on other servers :)
I hope you have a 10$ ready or your countrys equivalent if this is not a joke.

and i'll keep banning you because i don't want you causing trouble on other servers :)

I was thinking about moving there!

whats wrong with banning someone you already know to be an starfish from a server? isnt that exactly the purpose of being an admin? keeping starfishs off a server?

whats wrong with banning someone you already know to be an starfish from a server? isnt that exactly the purpose of being an admin? keeping starfishs off a server?
There isn't anything completely wrong about it. Its just very opinionated on if you should give people second chances or not.
Some people spare them, Some people don't. I personally don't see a point in arguing about it because it hardly changes peoples opinions.

i was on Pizza's late night freebuild thingy, and he had the click-push mod (or something like that) but it just shot them wherever you clicked them, so everyone was killing everyone at some point while i was on. THEN i kill Myst, then yeah

This server is full of admins banhammering people. (Randomly ban hammered by the host)
He was also randomly ban hammering people that were building normally.

pretty  much  all bans  on sugar's

"you killed me on one server once and im gonna keep banning you because you obviously didnt learn from that and should be banned everywhere!"
more like "you were being an exploiting starfish killing everyone on the server while they were building and i'm gonna make sure you dont pull the same stuff here"

more like "you were being an exploiting starfish killing everyone on the server while they were building and i'm gonna make sure you dont pull the same stuff here"
in all seriousness alot of people were doing it on that server and i will admit i did it a bit more than other people using a method that didnt allow them to do it back
but i couldnt have done that if that push mod wasnt extremely op, so i cant really exploit it elsewhere. also, there was really only one person building, the others were spamming projectiles or just standing and talking.